Tuesday 13 November 2012

Things I uncovered today..

As I said earlier every day I uncover something in the garden and today during a hard mornings work I uncovered these little guys ..

I have clearly braved up because I uncovered one when I was sorting out the patch at the front of the house and had a screaming fit.. today it was just like business as usual. Just hope they didn't make for the lake.

It's brilliant to see such wildlife as I potter around the garden, I had a Robin checking out my work too most of the day.

There is of course the wildlife we brought with us too and they have been having fun;

Winnie and Lolly have been playing football and they are ever grateful to the kind family who gifted them the toys (thanks H, P and H)

That old guy is rubbish at football - that was an easy save

I may be old but I can still make my getaway with the ball. 

Archie FINALLY has started to leave the bathroom where he has been hiding for some time under the bath.
Perhaps he just wanted to know the time or check out his Mini Me. 

Or have a bit of Cat Salad.

 And of course our lovely, old, partially sighted, striped lady has just found the best place to be .. next to the stove. Even with all the drama the damn thing has caused it still makes her happy and snuggly.

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