Sunday 11 November 2012

Country Driving! (1/11/12)

Lessons were learnt today as follows;

1. Do your country driving in the day time.
2. Learn where you live so that you can identify it in the dark.
3. Citreon C3 Pluriels may well be 5 cars in one (so they say) but one of those 5 is not a landrover!

I pottered out this evening to get Onions for marmalade, (I had a crafting Christmas urge) and all went well until the drive home.. its mostly perfectly do-able but the last half a mile is tiny roads and then the track of doom with the section I have now lovingly called Death Valley!

On the way home from civilisation i met a 4x4 vehicle towing something or another so I realised that it was my job to reverse.. (poo) driving is not my skill at best.. driving down tiny tracks in the pitch black backwards.. is just a no but non the less I gave it a go.
After what was an age the 4 x 4 got sick of me and so reversed and went a different way but too late for me as I find myself in a ditch at the roadside at a 45 degree angle!!!

It was raining on the 1st of November... a lot.. so getting any grip to get out was not working well.. Cue the panicked phone call to Mr Waen who set off to my rescue driving his even less appropriate country car (but at least he can drive) ..of course had I not missed my turning and gone up the wrong country road he would have arrived a whole host quicker but sadly I am that Muppet.

It took him 30 mins to find me but bless him he did..  so hazards lights on blocking the road  Mr Waen sets about attempting to get it out (there were mutterings like Mr Negative of the wardrobe fame) and he was right it was going nowhere.
Then.. just as we were about to give up.. along comes a car full of MEN!! Big Massive MEN!! I tottered over to move Mr Waen's car when out they all popped to offer a push. We said that it was too dirty and not to worry and all of that but the MEN would not be defeated.. and off they went Mr Waen in the driving seat the MEN behind and me looking foolish by the road side.
I swear I have no idea how they did it but they did and off I tootled home beaming about the kindness of our new neighbours and vowing to buy a more appropriate vehicle.


  1. Did these MEN happen to be hot by any chance? ha x

  2. They were fairly warm after pushing the car out of the stream :-)
