Sunday 11 November 2012

They are here they are here..

Having sadly waved off my Mam and dad .. happy times and a skype call to Mr Waen's Big Son in Australia we pootled off to our lovely friends to scoop up some chickens. Our house warning present!!!!!!!

Coop built  -  check
Food and hay and feeders ready  -  check


and we did and then we came back and this is what we brought with us.. 6 Little Ladies. 3 Sussex lights (white ones) and 3 Tamworths (ginger ones).. they have names courtesy of my niece and nephew but as yet not allocated until they come down in 2 weeks to meet the girls, so here we are; Hillary, Pearl, Glenda, Tulisa, Katy and Cheryl!

Clearly they were not worried about the new world as they tucked into their tea :-)

We left them out in the run and Jane said when it got dark they would go in.. and as it got dusk I went to have a look and there they were all tucked in.. good night Girls xxx

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