Sunday 11 November 2012

Moving to the country!

Ok so having moved from a medium sized town where I had a relatively good job/ salary / bonus company car etc, I moved to a big city where I had a truly  fabulous job, decent salary but no bonus and my car was stolen from the car park, my next major life upheaval is to the countryside. I am not just in a quaint little village.. oh no no no.. that would be too easy.. instead we have uprooted our selves, left family and friends in the North and find ourselves in a cottage outside a little village, we have cows for neighbours and now own (in partnership with the bank) 2.5 acres of woodland and a bloody big lake.

This blog will tell  our story.. our adventures and  my nervous breakdown etcs.

So we moved on 20/10/12 (by pure coincidence a significant date in my past life but we will leave that there) and here is a run down of the last 12 days.

Mrs Waen stays in Leeds until she can hand over keys to the new house owner (private sale) and Mr Waen dashed off to pick up our new dog (Winnie) pick up keys and meet the van coming from his house and the one coming from mine. Should be fairly simple for a "Vice President" who works in logistics.. but sadly not, all of his belongings (mainly for the garage) ended up in the house and my things (all for the house) ended up in the garage.. now if they were attached buildings then no drama, however having to heave boxes 20 meters down a stepped, gravel path.. not so cool. Cue the Osteopath.
New dog HATES old dog and bites his bum.. old dog (15 years old) looks sick of his life and goes to bed.
Too sodding tired to make the bed.. mattress on the floor.
We wake up and are melting.. its October, why so warm? and what is that bubbling in the roof??? some investigation reveals the AGA cooker has gone mad.. and the heating needs to be turned on to cool the house?? really?? ok Mr Waen, as you wish! New dog being better with old dog.. there is hope.. the cats however refuse to come out from under the bath .. oh well we can't have it all.
We had 2 houses but we seemingly have no white goods? how so anyway so off we potter.. to buy a Fridge, Freezer, Washing Machine and Dishwasher.. we went local.. they were ace 1000.00 the lot!! whoop!! told the man the address.. he looked a touch crest fallen.. had he tackled that non council road before?? Now we need wardrobes.. off we potter to Hereford.. (note we have moved to Wales) which Mr Waen said would be best.. we stumbled across a furniture shop who sold us 5 sets of varying sized drawers (wooden ones not pants ones) and 2 large wardrobes.. a normal type and a Gentleman's wardrobe? which I learnt was just stumpy with drawers under.
Mr Waen back to work.. he does this at home so could still overview the unpacking and give raised eyebrows to my 'detritus' as I unpack it. I choose to ignore. The white goods arrive and are all plumbed in now THAT is service.. Comet this is what you should have been doing. We have friends coming tonight. So I shop for tea and pull out the Mary Berry Aga Book (thank you my gorgeous work chums) and throw together Burlington Beef and an apple cake.. the cake rose .. my finest countryside hour so far.. we quoffed a few bottles of fizzy posh wine I am drunk and fall into bed.. next morning not great!
Served breakfast.. went for a yomp around the wood and waved our first visitors off.. shame.
The furniture arrives.. delivered by Mr Positive and Mr Negative. Mr Negative refuses to believe it will go up the tight stair case, Mr Positive convinced it will. It does..yeah to positivity. Spend the rest of an unwell (my own fault) day putting clothes away with Mr Waen battering on about why all of his clothes aren't in the gentleman's wardrobe.. SHUP UP!!!
I bought Grow Your Own Magazine earlier in the week.. it tells me that now is the time to plant fruit bushes. Now I want these for my jam (see crafting redhead blogspot) so quickly scan the internet for close by garden centres and i am off.. so now you could ask how i therefore ended up in Shrewsbury to buy them? well directions and I .. we are not close friends even with sat nav. Anyway never worry I have gooseberries, redcurrant, raspberries, logan berries and blueberries. Now just need to plant them.
Get home and spin around the house.. we have new guests tomorrow, Mr Waen's lovey Mam and Dad.
The lovely parents arrive.. the lane which brings you to the house presents a slight challenge to those who like a clean car.. home made soup for lunch and a yomp around the grounds then off to try the local for dinner (The Lion Hotel) food amazing.. good find :-)

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