Thursday 15 November 2012

Booms in place

What a day.. so Ian came out to assess the situation with the oil/ lake and has done some remedial work and took lots of details and readings and tests away for the writing of a report. I feel so much better now that I know what to do, I was also advised to call the insurance people again and so I did and yippee I am being passed to a loss adjuster which feels better too.

So for now we have the source of entry covered off .. as below;

The Hessian sack is holding oxidising stuff which soaks up oil, then the white and blue sausages are the booms and the pads on the top soak up the oil.. My job is now to keep my eye on all of this and change it all when needed.

I have learned so much in one morning.. Ian is a true true expert. And so now we wait for the report, do the must do's that will be recommended.. keep that booms and pads well maintained, keep checking the fish (if we get a floater we have to hire some machinery to pump oxygen into the lake), and now we have to pray for it TO rain .. this will help to cut down the amount of surface oil on the lake.

When we get the report its likely will need to flush under the workshop building with special solution as this is where most of the oil has settled. was pleased to know that the veg plot is ok and that I was right to keep the Girls (free loaders) in the run until the ground is safe.

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