Thursday 29 November 2012

What a week.. and its not done yet!

Mr Waen has been absent since last Thursday and only returned yesterday to find a Frazzle as a woman to greet him!

Its been a bit of a week in one way or another. Monday was OK (unusual for a Monday) and then Tuesday at 7:00 in the morning the furniture I have been waiting for finally arrived. I repeat at 7:00AM.. are you serious! And bless Oak furniture land and their Door to Door policy it was then left to me and my Olive Oil arms (remember Popeye??) to then shift it from the door to somewhere which would allow me to leave the premises.

I learnt even more new things;

1. My internal doors are narrow!
2. I have a foul temper and the language of a Navvy.
3. Stamping my feet does not move furniture.
4. If at first you don't succeed it may be best to give up and save your spine!
5. Crying resolves nothing and gives me a bad headache.

so there was a desk ..

there is a STEP here just to make life more pesky!

But Olive managed! 
Then there was the TV stand.. and life really got silly.. It was too wide to go through ANY door except external ones so therefore I had to drag it over the gravel path right around the house ( I reckon 25 meters) but no mean feat with olive oil arms, still in my pyjama's, over gravel in the drizzel!
On arrival at the door to the room where it was to be finally rested I then had to unpack it outside (box too wide) and squish it through the door .. minding the wooden floor didn't get scratched..
having dragged the damn thing right round the house!!!

I got it to here at last!

 And then I was defeated by the big unit thingummy!

I managed to get it from here
to here.. 

But then realised.. its too tall to get through the door and too tall to slide in on it side and stand up!!!
So had to park it here.. thank GOODNESS Mr Waen returned with a more sensible solution to my "hacksaw the feet off!!!!" solution and now it is in place!

Tuesday afternoon brought more fun when 3 decided to take down the mobile and internet service. given that BT STILL have not provided a land line and broadband (7 weeks and waiting) that left me with no communication route !! Great!

Again thank GOODNESS Mr Waen returned a more sensible solution to my "we have to move house" solution and here I am on-line! 

Monday 26 November 2012

Filth and mud baths.

Every day the town mouse that I am finds out something new about being a country mouse. Today's news is that in the event of heavy rain water from a well gets muddy! already our water has a slightly green tinge which I can live with but this is a step too far.

I ran the bath tonight to find when I came back to it book in hand and ready to have my traditional 1/2 hour lounge and read it was very murky looking.. I was reluctant to break with the tradition so decided it wouldn't kill me so hopped in! That was all before I discovered when the bath ran dry that this is what I shared my bath with..

Granted its another rubbish photo but in a nutshell there is a covering of mud right around the bath. Now I like to be close to nature but come on there are limits!!! I may as well have bathed in the puddle by the front door.

Its took me a while to get used to the fact that there will always be an element of dirt in this house even 10 minutes after a good clean (Winnie is a miny muck monster and brings the outdoors in, Aga's and log burners kick out dust and I leaves blow through open windows with surprising ease) but I seriously do not think that I will get used to this! That said some people pay a fortune for mud treatments!!

Cheryl is doing ok..

She spent most of yesterday inside the house shaking her head and gossiping with the other about how the stupid woman who is meant to care for her could have had her so brutally attacked and when I put them to bed she was in the middle with all the others gathered around (cute).

It was with a bit of trepidation that I pottered over to let them out this morning in case she was keeled over with the after effects of shock  but when I did was delighted to see she was first one out.. I had tasty treats for them, berries and nuts and meal worms and she ate some sat on my lap out of my hand (I must be forgiven).


Still no eggs though but they now have an excuse for such free loading.

Sunday 25 November 2012

Introducing Barry.. he's not permanent but will visit often

The Really long dog taking up the fire is Barry.. My sisters dog.. he is lovely but still a bit of a mad puppy and today he peaked in his madness. After a Gin fuelled evening I was up early to let out the girls and then sis took Winnie and Barry out for a march around the woods (lolly didn't fancy playing out with the kids) all went well they ran, hopped, skipped and jumped (dogs not sister) BUT THEN.......... as they reached the house Barry made a dash for the Girls.. we are unsure how he reached them through the new fence (possibly leaped it) all my sister did know is that he was next seen approaching my sister (who was in hot pursuit) with the newly christened Cheryl the chicken in his mouth!!!
OH DEAR.. his intention was never to kill that's for sure.. we reckon it was a gift for mammy.. he dropped it straight away when the scream of BAAAARRRRRYYYYY went up.
So Cheryl had a bit of TLC in the kitchen.. only a little scratch and some meal worms later and she was back with the sisters! I reckon the egg laying has had a significant set back but hey at least no major trauma.

The day went on to insanity.. after a lovely lunch (thank you Aga) my sister drove me to pick up  Mr Waen's car (its a silly sports car) .. my mission was then to drive this up the lane.. has anyone watched the news? Its been raining.. a LOT.. Lane is like a suicide mission but hey.. I like a challenge! I think the screams of frustration after attempt 2 were heard in Newtown but then I got INGENIOUS.. and made a track of sticks.. which got me purchase on the mud on the steep bit and I was off. How proud was I.

So now .. its a cup of tea, Girls are tucked up for the night, dogs and cats fed and all is well, bring out the cake!

Mr Waen's new task is a barry proof fence.. that said he is built like a small horse so I have no idea what that will look like xx

Thursday 22 November 2012

Its all about the weather.

There is a lady on Radio 2 called Sally traffic and as I listen as I am gardening I get a bit bugged when she says 'its all about the weather today' particularly after someone has just read the news which is generally full of war, bombings, the Gaza strip, death and doom.. I often think or indeed mutter.. 'Really Sally traffic.. I think not' but this morning I took this back. WHAT A DAY!

It began when I had to take yet MORE rubbish to the dump (it can't all go on the compost heap or I will be asked for planning permission) so off I went.. it was windy but then the rain's began!! (glad I had bothered with the hair do then) it was manic out there!!!

I have already mentioned the silly track but in the rain its beyond silly and is borderline dangerous for a  girl who can barely drive and the car she drives is a silly car. Now I know the Citreon C3 Pluriel is billed as 5 cars in one but let me tell you one of those 5 is NOT a 4 x 4!! We really must go car shopping but really how dull!

On my return I had a scout about to see what the rain was doing to chickens (grumpy as their rain cover blew off and they were eating soggy grain)  Oil, lakes, land etc and in some cases its doing great (oil is really breaking down now) and in others not so great.. lake over spill.. photo's below.  I should however not moan and having just watched the news I just feel so sad for the people whose homes are under water it must be the most dreadful thing.

This stream goes down hill and its rarely seen. because its so small. today it was thundering along 

The photo is rubbish but behind the reeds you can see where lake is now no longer just in the lake

This was my attempt at demonstrating how the wind is creating a minor wave on the lake .. you may just have to take my word for it.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Mr Waen's office

Aside from when I am working or indeed now volunteering I am to be found in the garden as there is so much sorting to do .. its rather overgrown and unkempt (volunteers always appreciated and fed).

Mr Waen also works very hard but instead of having his head down yanking weeds and digging for victory he gets to sit and look at the results of my labour. He doesn't feed the birds (I went away for 3 days to return to find them banging their knives and forks on the ground) but he has a view in his 'office' of all the feeders and today the jammy bloody man saw these guys!!!

I am really hopeful that you can see 2 x greater spotted woodpeckers (Dad thank you for bird book check us out). One day I may see them in the flesh but not today, but at least the fabulous Mr Waen snapped them for me.
Woody and his mate 

Not a bad office view (ignore the mess we await furniture for this room)

and to the right the lake. 

Tuesday 20 November 2012

I am a volunteer!

Today I tottered off to the big town and it was a totter as the car was once again full of rubbish and the farm track is a very slippy scenario following some serious Welsh rain.

It was a good day as today I became a volunteer for age Cymru Powys. I am to work a Monday and Wednesday morning in the office and take it from there and see where we go. I start on the 28th .. I am excited.

I was less excited to dump a car full of rubbish but none the less its done and my car finally made it back up the hill to home.

Nice day.

Monday 19 November 2012

Aga Saga / Oil Spoil Update

So today we have had the amazing Ian back out to meet with the Loss Adjuster. I have information overload about pipes and ground water. And the upshot of this 2 hour interruption to my valuable gardening time was that Ian needs to add some things to his report, the insurer will allow the company Ian works for to undertake more formal investigation (potentially the kitchen floor and large parts of garden will be dug up in places  - a bit gutting) and from there we will see what the insurance company will or not cover in terms of repair. And the lesson for today people is.. When you turn something on .. remember to turn it back off to finish the job.

It's such a shame for all concerned but lets get it sorted and move on.

In other news Archie (the black and white cat not related to Postman Pat) went out last night and only came home tonight.. Must admit I was worried but at least he didn't take his blind furry sister with him.. and thankfully he did find his way home.

And finally .. Happy Birthday to the most amazing Mam in the world and also to the fairly fabulous Boss  :-)

Tomorrow I am off to the dump AGAIN. my car is full to the rafters of garden waste and even more cardboard boxes! and to be interviewed for a Voluntary job working for Age Concern so no gardening for me .. its a housework morning instead.. Grim but necessary to prevent my weekend visitors (sister, niece, nephew and Barry the dog) from some sort of death by filthy mud and fur house.

Back to the country..

Having been back up north for the weekend seeing Friends and Family I am back to the country today and find that Mr Waen has been a very busy countryside dweller. Not only has he replaced the many light bulbs that decided to pass out on us, he has hung a fabulous new light in the dining room, done the washing, put the gate that my dad built onto the allotment (to keep the girls away from the veg patch) and  last but not least built a chicken fence.

They will free range in the future but until we have a full idea of the oil on the ground issue I am convinced that they should not be pecking where there could be oil to make them poorly.

So check out his work.. the girls LOVE it and Winnie loves it as Chicken Telly just got wide screen and so that's her spot.

At first i thought she was watching chicken telly out of love of her feathery comrades but NO.. when one went trotting beyond the fence as I cleaned them out today (chickens stink incidentally)   teeth went into those chicken wings.. perhaps I should change her dog food flavour??

Anyway check out the Mr Waen's  handywork.. not just a face eh..

Thursday 15 November 2012

Chicken Pie..

Don't worry it's not one of the girls (though if they don't produce the goods!!) but as I am cooking the comfort food chicken 'welcome home' pie I am wondering if I should feel guilty. I have to say I don't but does this make me a meanie.

I will ponder as I knock up some pastry and pack my bags for heading up north tomorrow.

Have just checked with Mr Waen's chicken keeping family member and apparently they no longer buy a full chicken but still buy chicken in parts.. I kind of get that.. Made me smile!

Booms in place

What a day.. so Ian came out to assess the situation with the oil/ lake and has done some remedial work and took lots of details and readings and tests away for the writing of a report. I feel so much better now that I know what to do, I was also advised to call the insurance people again and so I did and yippee I am being passed to a loss adjuster which feels better too.

So for now we have the source of entry covered off .. as below;

The Hessian sack is holding oxidising stuff which soaks up oil, then the white and blue sausages are the booms and the pads on the top soak up the oil.. My job is now to keep my eye on all of this and change it all when needed.

I have learned so much in one morning.. Ian is a true true expert. And so now we wait for the report, do the must do's that will be recommended.. keep that booms and pads well maintained, keep checking the fish (if we get a floater we have to hire some machinery to pump oxygen into the lake), and now we have to pray for it TO rain .. this will help to cut down the amount of surface oil on the lake.

When we get the report its likely will need to flush under the workshop building with special solution as this is where most of the oil has settled. was pleased to know that the veg plot is ok and that I was right to keep the Girls (free loaders) in the run until the ground is safe.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Fish.. and the girls

There is one little Koi Carp (I say this like I know that's what he is) that is looking most unwell.. I have been outside in pyjama's  trying to clear some oil and tempt him into the place where he can breathe with a cinnamon bagel (as you do!). I am getting more and more reluctant to walk to the lake to see what's going on its making me a bit sad.
Without sounding like a some sort of person who has lost all sense what is funny is that Winnie knows something's not right.. this morning she was stood at the edge of the lake just  barking her head off where the fish was.. it was her who got me plodding around in pyjama's and wellies.

24 hours to go .. fingers still crossed keep going fish guys!!

On another note the free loaders have still not laid an egg for tea..Yesterday though I bought them some mealworms on the advice of the friends who bought them for us ... and oh my goodness they love those things!! Here's hoping now that I have treated them they produce the goods.
Have been reading that you can buy a chicken Gym.. Now I was a huge fan of the Olympics in the summer.. I am thinking chicken Olympics 2013 ..  what was that I just said about losing all sense?

Chicken Gym!!

Right off to the garden for me.. lots to do lots to do!

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Things I miss from civilisation..

Well there are the obvious things like my family and friends,  shops and takeaway delivery but one of the things that I miss the most are Bin Men/Women. I was the worlds worst for moaning that they don't return the right bin to the right person and that the green bin only gets emptied once a month.. I would cheerfully trade now .. because this is my bin man... Me and the Citroen rammed to the rafters for the 8 mile trip to 'Potters' where I then unload it all.. nice!

So as its nearly Xmas buy your bin men a gift xx

Things I uncovered today..

As I said earlier every day I uncover something in the garden and today during a hard mornings work I uncovered these little guys ..

I have clearly braved up because I uncovered one when I was sorting out the patch at the front of the house and had a screaming fit.. today it was just like business as usual. Just hope they didn't make for the lake.

It's brilliant to see such wildlife as I potter around the garden, I had a Robin checking out my work too most of the day.

There is of course the wildlife we brought with us too and they have been having fun;

Winnie and Lolly have been playing football and they are ever grateful to the kind family who gifted them the toys (thanks H, P and H)

That old guy is rubbish at football - that was an easy save

I may be old but I can still make my getaway with the ball. 

Archie FINALLY has started to leave the bathroom where he has been hiding for some time under the bath.
Perhaps he just wanted to know the time or check out his Mini Me. 

Or have a bit of Cat Salad.

 And of course our lovely, old, partially sighted, striped lady has just found the best place to be .. next to the stove. Even with all the drama the damn thing has caused it still makes her happy and snuggly.

Still no eggs from the free loaders but fish still with us

I was told to expect this but I am an impatient person (as anyone who knows me would testify to). I can almost guarantee that as soon as I turn my back to tootle up north on Friday they will lay one for Mr Waen .. wonder if I should squeeze them or bounce them (joking!! please don't call RSPCA)

In good news though the oil looks better in the place on the lake where it was really bad  and having been up at the crack of dawn (dreamt of oil most of the night and frogs)  marching around the lake with the furry pups there are no casualties so far .. I am touching wood and recrossing everything.. Only 2 more day's to wait until the hero's come. 

Today's task is to tackle an overgrown weedy and enormous rockery that my Mam, Dad and I started over the weekend .. each patch of garden that I do has some sort of discovery.. I have uncovered stepping stones over streams and amazing planters hidden under weeds so who knows what there will be today. 

Have a good day all xxx

Monday 12 November 2012

Moving quickly is not an option

This morning (before oil slick gate) I pottered off down the lane into the village to post the Birthday parcel for Mr Waen's little son (age 25 soon).. this should be a 15 minute job.. but not with these neighbours ..
"No rush little one's let her wait" says big black cow.

Just doing as we are told by Mam

"actually I am a bit scared now so I am going up here"

"But I am ginger and so therefore stubborn."

Now I have been called an awkward cow in my time.. but this morning I met my match .

All in all it took 10 minutes to travel half a mile to the gate.. thats the lesser part of the journey!! But they are cute... You can't see the squillion of pheasants we share the lane with on these photos.. They all add to the plight of the lane with their suicidal tendencies. Clearly the 'shoot' that has been going on has not been a roaring success and they have evaded the bullet. GO Pheasants.. Winnie won't have half as much fun in the garden without you there to chase. xx

Fabulous people are coming with booms

This above I have discovered is an Oil boom and apparently on Thursday the amazing Ian will come out with such devices and scoop up our oil and then check for any possible longer term issues and come up with a plan... (obviously on a smaller scale). Having spoken to him for some time the advice until Thursday is to pray for no rain (in Wales?????) and monitor it and if needs be he can rearrange other things and come quicker he is ever so patient and nice he managed to listen to the hysteria of the clueless town mouse, deduce from my insane descriptions the level of issue and still agree to come out.

I am now neurotically checking the lake for any signs of things getting worse and crossing everything that I have in the hope that the Fish stay OK .. we would be devastated to lose them.

I am now going to try and calm my body down.. and do something entirely oil unrelated to try and get a grip. Not sure I like Aga's any more :-(

On a better note how much do I love that at dusk the feathery girls all just hop into their bedroom clamber on a perch and go to sleep.. SO CUTE!! I did have one out for a bit of a cuddle earlier to make me feel better! :-)

Also My dad made me laugh as he declared he may have oil poisoning!! Really ?? no such luck pop.. off to do your night shift!! (love him) xx

Lake update..

So its not an issue for the Environment Agency so over to us.. I have called several "spill companies" I await a call back.. doesn't it all sound dramatic.. glad Dad fell in prior to this .. wouldn't fancy having to clean him with fairy liquid like a penguin  :-)

It's apparently not an insurance matter.. so heaven help us it may be a lean Christmas at Waen.


Girls update..

As I wait for the environment agency to call back will just give an update on the Girls.. so they all got up bright and early this morning and excitedly I skipped down to let them out.. I was warned they would not lay for a while until they felt happy but still one can hope. Bad news no eggs.. Good  news still got 6!  :-)

The ultimate in Empty Nest Syndrome  :-)

Come on Woman its time for our breakfast!!

Here we come time for food!!!

Its Rude to stare!

And sniffing me as I eat is just not on Winnie 

Aga Saga gets serious and a bit sad

Well after the joy of bringing the girls home yesterday some sad news! The oil tank outside which feeds the Aga has been leaking since I suspect Friday and the ground around is steeped in Oil and due to the nature of soil has gone through the soil and found its way into the lake.  You can see below the state of the leak and the lake.  The White sheen on the lake is Oil I am beyond gutted and really worried about the fish, birds and wildlife around.  So having never had to manage such a thing and Mr Waen only able to talk quick as in meetings poor thing have made several calls to end up with the environment agency. I await their call back. Cross your fingers all  :-(

Sunday 11 November 2012

They are here they are here..

Having sadly waved off my Mam and dad .. happy times and a skype call to Mr Waen's Big Son in Australia we pootled off to our lovely friends to scoop up some chickens. Our house warning present!!!!!!!

Coop built  -  check
Food and hay and feeders ready  -  check


and we did and then we came back and this is what we brought with us.. 6 Little Ladies. 3 Sussex lights (white ones) and 3 Tamworths (ginger ones).. they have names courtesy of my niece and nephew but as yet not allocated until they come down in 2 weeks to meet the girls, so here we are; Hillary, Pearl, Glenda, Tulisa, Katy and Cheryl!

Clearly they were not worried about the new world as they tucked into their tea :-)

We left them out in the run and Jane said when it got dark they would go in.. and as it got dusk I went to have a look and there they were all tucked in.. good night Girls xxx

Here come the girls!!! (10/11 November 2012)

My Mam and Dad have been here this weekend (I love visitors this is a house to share for sure) and given my Dad loves to play with tools and gardens and does so with huge gusto we set him to work along side Mr Waen. The mission;

1. finish the compost heap
2. build the chicken house
3. make a gate so that the chickens don't eat the vegetables in the veg patch

As Wales were playing Rugby this afternoon Mr Waen was keen to get the jobs done in time for kick off or throw off or whatever one off's in Rugby.. and with my dad that was entirely possible. We girls decided to go shopping for plants for the next section of the Garden I am tackling (the rockery outside the house) its been slightly neglected and the stones are hidden and weeds are high so needed Garden centre inspiration. In the time it took us to get ready to go out (about 20 mins since I became a scruffy  bumpkin)  this is how far the Father had got..

Go dad!!

when we got back (after 2 hours we then had this) and a lot of smart new rockery type plants

and a finished compost heap and a gate (though now needs to be hung) you gotta love family visits.. though it didn't all go well.. As Mr Waen Settled down after lunch to watch Wales play "the great game" my Mam, Dad and I set off to tackle some of the overgrown and weedy Garden.. My Dad went lakeside and went after the Giant Spikey Rhubarb plant  (not its Latin name clearly) which was drooping into the lake and needed trimming back for winter and my Mam and I went to the overgrown and sad looking rockery.. all was well until we heard a yell and a splash and as we dashed around we found the big northern type father struggling up the bank side wet from literally head to foot! and smelling somewhat of pond.. time for a bath Dad! but just finish that Big Spikey Rhubarb off first ;-) 

The issues of the day did not end there .. Wales 13 Argentina 26 .. Oh dear Mr Waen, your first game on home soil :-(

Feed the birds costs actually more than tuppence a bag..

.. but is jolly well worth it.

I have lost hours now staring out at the bird feeders both left here and purchased new having filled them up (several times) to find Robins and Blue Tits and a smart looking green and peach coloured bird nibbling away on nuts and suet balls. Next on my shopping list MUST be a bird book I only know the ones I learnt as a child and that won't get me far (blue tit, robin, blackbird, sparrow and budgie). The photo's aren't great but here are the feathered friends (will try and get closer next time)

Power Tools are smart

And I am now the proud owner of a Petrol 26cc hedge trimmer, brush cutter and strimmer all in one. Must must must be careful... ambulances don't come this way!
To compliment my mega tool I have also purchased the Daddy of all lawn mowers .. its not a ride on one (note previous post about my driving capability) but its a BEAST.. stand by grass here we come (well in the spring)
 Mr Waen won't help me work out how to use the first power tool because he is due to go away for a few days and doesn't think me capable.. perhaps he has a point.. will save that for next week.

Country Driving! (1/11/12)

Lessons were learnt today as follows;

1. Do your country driving in the day time.
2. Learn where you live so that you can identify it in the dark.
3. Citreon C3 Pluriels may well be 5 cars in one (so they say) but one of those 5 is not a landrover!

I pottered out this evening to get Onions for marmalade, (I had a crafting Christmas urge) and all went well until the drive home.. its mostly perfectly do-able but the last half a mile is tiny roads and then the track of doom with the section I have now lovingly called Death Valley!

On the way home from civilisation i met a 4x4 vehicle towing something or another so I realised that it was my job to reverse.. (poo) driving is not my skill at best.. driving down tiny tracks in the pitch black backwards.. is just a no but non the less I gave it a go.
After what was an age the 4 x 4 got sick of me and so reversed and went a different way but too late for me as I find myself in a ditch at the roadside at a 45 degree angle!!!

It was raining on the 1st of November... a lot.. so getting any grip to get out was not working well.. Cue the panicked phone call to Mr Waen who set off to my rescue driving his even less appropriate country car (but at least he can drive) ..of course had I not missed my turning and gone up the wrong country road he would have arrived a whole host quicker but sadly I am that Muppet.

It took him 30 mins to find me but bless him he did..  so hazards lights on blocking the road  Mr Waen sets about attempting to get it out (there were mutterings like Mr Negative of the wardrobe fame) and he was right it was going nowhere.
Then.. just as we were about to give up.. along comes a car full of MEN!! Big Massive MEN!! I tottered over to move Mr Waen's car when out they all popped to offer a push. We said that it was too dirty and not to worry and all of that but the MEN would not be defeated.. and off they went Mr Waen in the driving seat the MEN behind and me looking foolish by the road side.
I swear I have no idea how they did it but they did and off I tootled home beaming about the kindness of our new neighbours and vowing to buy a more appropriate vehicle.

Major Aga Saga (28/10/12 - 9/11/12)

So the Esse (same as an Aga but didn't rhyme with saga) which supplies heating and cooking died during the creation of Sunday lunch. So the tart I was creating from the ace book purchased by my work chums failed miserably and ended up as bin fodder :-(
We thought a simple re-lighting would have sorted it.. but sadly not Mr Waen then dropped the big heavy pate on a vital part and that was the end of that.
As Mr Waen was off to London for work so I set about locating Aga fixing type people and thankfully found the fabulous Dave and his crew. A couple of days later after the preliminary checks by one of the crew Dave arrived.. got it going again (hero) and then off he went.. as soon as he was out of the car park disaster struck and it blew out again.. frantic phone call and Dave returned to tell us it needs a new part.. the part was ordered. We then discover that the heating element in the boiler that was the back stop for the Esse had also failed.. so here we are with limited heating and no hot water .. a bit grim to say the least particularly as I was spending much time attacking the garden and putting it to bed for winter and was not looking the cleanest to say the least.. thankfully the shower is electric but does not have the same effect on my aching bones as a nice long bath.. but hey ho it is what it is.
No one was more delighted to return from a trip to the North to find the lovely Dave once again laid on the kitchen floor fixing!!! and now we have a warm house again (coupled with a slight smell of oil that we are assured will pass in a few weeks) Yeah Dave :-)
There is now limited need for the Log burner.. much to the disgust of our two furry heat seekers (sorry kids)

Moving to the country!

Ok so having moved from a medium sized town where I had a relatively good job/ salary / bonus company car etc, I moved to a big city where I had a truly  fabulous job, decent salary but no bonus and my car was stolen from the car park, my next major life upheaval is to the countryside. I am not just in a quaint little village.. oh no no no.. that would be too easy.. instead we have uprooted our selves, left family and friends in the North and find ourselves in a cottage outside a little village, we have cows for neighbours and now own (in partnership with the bank) 2.5 acres of woodland and a bloody big lake.

This blog will tell  our story.. our adventures and  my nervous breakdown etcs.

So we moved on 20/10/12 (by pure coincidence a significant date in my past life but we will leave that there) and here is a run down of the last 12 days.

Mrs Waen stays in Leeds until she can hand over keys to the new house owner (private sale) and Mr Waen dashed off to pick up our new dog (Winnie) pick up keys and meet the van coming from his house and the one coming from mine. Should be fairly simple for a "Vice President" who works in logistics.. but sadly not, all of his belongings (mainly for the garage) ended up in the house and my things (all for the house) ended up in the garage.. now if they were attached buildings then no drama, however having to heave boxes 20 meters down a stepped, gravel path.. not so cool. Cue the Osteopath.
New dog HATES old dog and bites his bum.. old dog (15 years old) looks sick of his life and goes to bed.
Too sodding tired to make the bed.. mattress on the floor.
We wake up and are melting.. its October, why so warm? and what is that bubbling in the roof??? some investigation reveals the AGA cooker has gone mad.. and the heating needs to be turned on to cool the house?? really?? ok Mr Waen, as you wish! New dog being better with old dog.. there is hope.. the cats however refuse to come out from under the bath .. oh well we can't have it all.
We had 2 houses but we seemingly have no white goods? how so anyway so off we potter.. to buy a Fridge, Freezer, Washing Machine and Dishwasher.. we went local.. they were ace 1000.00 the lot!! whoop!! told the man the address.. he looked a touch crest fallen.. had he tackled that non council road before?? Now we need wardrobes.. off we potter to Hereford.. (note we have moved to Wales) which Mr Waen said would be best.. we stumbled across a furniture shop who sold us 5 sets of varying sized drawers (wooden ones not pants ones) and 2 large wardrobes.. a normal type and a Gentleman's wardrobe? which I learnt was just stumpy with drawers under.
Mr Waen back to work.. he does this at home so could still overview the unpacking and give raised eyebrows to my 'detritus' as I unpack it. I choose to ignore. The white goods arrive and are all plumbed in now THAT is service.. Comet this is what you should have been doing. We have friends coming tonight. So I shop for tea and pull out the Mary Berry Aga Book (thank you my gorgeous work chums) and throw together Burlington Beef and an apple cake.. the cake rose .. my finest countryside hour so far.. we quoffed a few bottles of fizzy posh wine I am drunk and fall into bed.. next morning not great!
Served breakfast.. went for a yomp around the wood and waved our first visitors off.. shame.
The furniture arrives.. delivered by Mr Positive and Mr Negative. Mr Negative refuses to believe it will go up the tight stair case, Mr Positive convinced it will. It does..yeah to positivity. Spend the rest of an unwell (my own fault) day putting clothes away with Mr Waen battering on about why all of his clothes aren't in the gentleman's wardrobe.. SHUP UP!!!
I bought Grow Your Own Magazine earlier in the week.. it tells me that now is the time to plant fruit bushes. Now I want these for my jam (see crafting redhead blogspot) so quickly scan the internet for close by garden centres and i am off.. so now you could ask how i therefore ended up in Shrewsbury to buy them? well directions and I .. we are not close friends even with sat nav. Anyway never worry I have gooseberries, redcurrant, raspberries, logan berries and blueberries. Now just need to plant them.
Get home and spin around the house.. we have new guests tomorrow, Mr Waen's lovey Mam and Dad.
The lovely parents arrive.. the lane which brings you to the house presents a slight challenge to those who like a clean car.. home made soup for lunch and a yomp around the grounds then off to try the local for dinner (The Lion Hotel) food amazing.. good find :-)