Thursday 31 January 2013

One job done and one job starting ..

..and the best part is .. I am not doing any of them!

I was away all day yesterday in Leeds at the amazing charity I work for and had the best day it was great to catch up, get my work brain working and see the amazing people I work with. So I left at 6 am and was home at 9.30 pm and the little pooches came with me just in case we couldn't get back and the flooding around and about got worse and were very well behaved bless them so all in all a really good day. When I got home I was greeted with 3 tonnes of pebbles for the walk way and half a forest of wood all piled up ready for the work the next day some slight tripping involved including Winnie jumping out of the car and into the cattle grid (sensible) and then featherd chums locked away, we three into the house to eat biscuits (dog and human) and collapse into bed.

I was looking forward to a non 5 am start but it appears that the weather and Winnie had different plans when the thunder bolts and lightening (very very frightening) started closely followed by a hysterical sheep dog.. Drat!

But what a day we have had. Oil men arrived at around 8 and then the landscape gardener who is replacing our collapsing trellis work followed closely behind and my garden has turned into a complete building site but all for the long term good.

And the end result of the day is .. The oil clean up is COMPLETE Yippee and the trellis is gone and I have big holes for now instead.

Our new smart path to the oil tank!

and the new smart steps 
The lake is free the booms can come out and Yippee the Aga saga/ Oil spoil is officially done.. Now I need a new rhyming drama. 

Dear all should you EVER have issues with oil spills, environmental issues, hazardous waste or anything else remotely connected may I please refer you to these AMAZING people who,  from day one, when I was stood by the lake weeping and repeating the words " I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do" have managed to make me know what to do, helped with the loss adjustor's, chased up the resolutions, written reports, kept in touch, worked like oil hero's and been utterly lovely, kind, efficient  good humoured and most of all explained it all to me like I was  3 year old.. just as I needed and requested.. Natural Solutions... You are AMAZING!

So moving on next we have the Trellis work .. it looked like this this morning .. the angle has been  helped along with gales, snow and extreme rain

falling down badly

My health and safety training says this is not good!

I may be generalising but the folks of Wales work very hard.. by the end of the day we have all trellis work out the walkway gone, the matching fences all gone, and lots of big holes waiting for the next phase..  

The Wisteria that covered the trellis is laid over the walk way  for now but has been well looked after (i confess to watching out of the bed room window in a hiding fashion to make sure) 

The clematis at the other end in a similar state. 

The poor gardeners have been followed all day by 6 greedy chickens who have been eating worms like no tomorrow .. I am worried about the taste of the eggs as a result but hey ho sure all will be well.

So all in all a busy old day.. I was doing some work indoors and so got to stay cosy and warm so BIG Hurrah to the hard workers !

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