Saturday 2 February 2013

Sunny in Wales and the ducks hit the pond..

How nice to see the sunshine after weeks of rain and snow.. so out to the garden to discover it was still freezing but never the less the show must go on..Have finished another patch and have ordered some plants for it.. ones that need no sun and rubbish soil which is what this patch is they will be here in a couple of weeks.. nice.

all dug over raked and some soil improver added.. just need those plants now.. 

and now onto tackle this bit.. lots of poorly ferns that need a bit of TLC

But enough of that .. the big news is Sophie and Blueberry on the lake...

Blueberry went in second and took to it.. wait for it.. like a duck  to water !


look at them little orange legs go 

a cuddle before she was plopped in .. ignore the coat . .. its my gardening one!

Go that duck (Blueberry)

Right over to the other side.. Swimming badge needed !!!


On her way back 

On dry land 

"what d'ya think Sophie.. its a bit bigger than out paddling pool!"

Blueberry was quite brave .. Sophie however went in and swam straight under the decking .. There was a mild panic (from me obviously) because she didn't look like a natural swimmer (Mr Waen was nearly sent in to do some Bay-watch manoeuvre)  and just kind of flapped across the pond to reach the decking.. but having peeped under, on hands and knees, seems she can do it but perhaps didn't want the world to see her in her bathers.. I know that feeling  :-)

Bit shy but there she is .. Go Sophie!
Mr Waen is back home after a week of being gone so all in all .. A good day at Waen, and the forecast says more dry weather tomorrow.. WHOOP!!!

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