Thursday 17 January 2013

Sophie and Blueberry are moving house..

So they have been in the garage for some time and have yet to potter down to the lake but ducks even little ladies like these frankly make a hell of a smell so time to tip them out into the wide world. Mr Waen has done duck house improvements and now they have a door so we can close them up at night to keep them safe from Mister Fox.. they will eventually go to the island in the middle of the lake but as yet their lack of waterproofness prevents this from happening .. So instead we have just moved them to the patio near the lake .. you never know they may get the idea;

lakeside view

New door doubles as a ramp.. smart. 
Outside the closed garage doors .. they don't look very happy at their forced eviction.. 

Mind you given their breakfast was just eaten by this little old man it must feel like today is not their day!

Anyway.. the next challenge is to get them to the house at bedtime.. no doubt that will involve some sort of comedy caper in the snow and ice!

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