Wednesday 16 January 2013

Snow has stopped play..

I like the snow except when it stops me playing in the garden .. all gardener types love this time of year when there is lots to do and prepare ready for the big vegetable and fruit growing extravaganza but so far all I have been able to do is clean out the green house and read the packets of seeds.. Boo. 

I am however very lucky in other ways.. its very pretty and having popped to  the big city today it hasn't prevented me from whizzing up the lane..

in amongst that lot are the 3 fruit trees I managed to get in the ground before the big freeze.
the lake looks ace.. just missing those non waterproofed puddle ducks 

 Any way in case anyone is worried that I am entirely unoccupied or idle  that is not the case.. I bought wallpaper in November for our bedroom and so its bye bye to this very dark green and grumpy decor..

Hmmmm.. a bit grim

 Major yuck

slow progress.. the last wallpaper was put on with cement and super glue it seems.. Brilliant!

 So in a couple of weeks we will have a lovely bright and light bedroom.. with new wallpaper and the bargain curtains I scooped up .. and thank you to my lovely friend who has let me pinch her wallpaper idea and use it here.. I just hope I can match up as well as she did! Unlikely!

I heard a man on the radio the other day say that DIY was the equivalent of being a scab.. in that we take the jobs of tradespeople from them .. a valid point and I may yet present this to Mr Waen and just take to the couch until the big thaw xxx


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