Tuesday 29 January 2013

Wet wet wet.. Oh and a dead mouse!

It has now rained since Friday and its not little rain its proper rain and we are now almost under water.. wherever you walk you sink.. its foul.
The dig has continued today and bless them men they were soaked but kept going .. Oil hero's!

Lots and lots of soil.. 

Mud mud and more mud

Ground water + Oil starting to be flushed.

The flushed water pouring into the lake.. Extra booms in to  catch the oil . 
.And in other news there has been a sad death.. below are the peanuts that I feed to the birds.. we did a bulk buy and put in a plastic box with the lid.. but something went wrong and this little chap ended up face down and quite dead.. Peanut allergy?????

RIP Mickey 

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