Tuesday 19 February 2013

Child labour - eventually !

On Sunday Mr Waen went to the local DIY shop and in doing this went insane it would seem and ordered 3 enormous sacks of logs for delivery TODAY! 2 problems with that;

1.  Today Mr Waen is prancing about playing laser quest with his work chums (team building).. and NOT MOVING LOGS!!!
2. We are not that short of logs and its spring soon?

So my skinny sister.. my olive oil arms (popeye) and 2 children (9 and 11) had to move 1/2 tonne of logs.. thank you Mr Waen.

The kids weren't really up for it and were watching TV so I rang the house phone to annoy them, that worked for a bit but not long enough,  so I flipped off the electricity in the house (the joy of outside fuse box).

After that they were forced to  come and help so we made it into a competition.. 1 kid and 1 adult  teams and first one the empty a bag won.. The niece and I won, but then had to confess (after 8 hours) that we did one log in our wheelbarrow and one into their bag (evil laugh). Anyway after an hour all logs in the store .. next time Mr Waen's company need to team build (??) I can recommend moving logs!!!



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