Sunday 17 February 2013

What a bonkers day..

Today started peacefully with the stepping stones being dug in by me and Mr Waen doing little DIY bits and bats and then at 1:30 it went mad, in a lovely way when my fabulous sister and her gorgeous family.. including Barry arrived. Loyal readers may remember that Barry on last visit had a nibble of Cheryl the chicken.. and so rightly the sister said not to let him of the lead on arrival.. Mr and Mrs Waen however clearly thinking they are mother and father earth said that it was fine.. let him be free .. BIG MISTAKE.. here   is the entire right side of Hilary the chicken (below). She has survived well.. and even laid an egg two hours later but that was a hairy moment!

So to calm the situation we decided to take the pups on a walk to wear them out.. all was well we went quite far exploring some local woodlands and found a little hut and all sorts.. had such fun and then.. the niece she got stuck in the mud.. So I went to rescue and just pulled her out and made matters much worse when she then completely landed in it..


rescued.. kind of
So the next mission was to take the duck house to the island in the lake where Sophie and Blueberry have made their home all on their own bless them as that was the plan.. so off we went maiden voyage in the rowing boat me first.. kids followed.. duck house after that.. 

Duck house on the island..

all in all .. an adventure of a day. The start of 5 weeks of visitors.. I defy any of the following visitors to make such an impact on arrival.

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