Monday 11 February 2013

Defiant ducks ..

Its been a freezing cold day here today and I have been gardening on a patch close to the lake which is overgrown with grass which I am aiming to turn right back to the pebbled lake side patch it was before.. its a bit of a challenge but think am 1/4 of the way there.. should be done by the end of the week if the weather stays OK.

It is difficult trying to garden with chickens.. when using shears they stand so close that they risk their claws, when using a spade they stand on top of what ever you are trying to unearth and when using a rake they just stand on top of it.. and today I had 3 picking through my soon to be compost in  the wheel barrow.. throwing it out of the wheelbarrow as they went.. GRR.. but the ducks were looking cute in and out of the lake getting clean and having fun.

Clearly however Sophie and Blueberry  had far too much fun and now are being defiant and refusing to get into their house.. I can hear them on the lake quacking and splashing but can't see them because its pitch black and keep shouting them but nothing.. Well I can't keep popping in and out all night its almost bed time so I am now just going to bed with fingers crossed hoping Mr Fox is occupied elsewhere xx

Pitch black. over the lake 
The empty home of Sophie and Blueberry 

Even Archie is out looking for them .. 

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