Thursday 7 February 2013

Trellis done, spring has sprung and I have got new wellies on....

... check me out.. another Rhyme.. not quite as good as the aga saga but not bad!

Anyway so back to business.. Its nice that we have had a bit of let up on the rain and the second phase of snow which gladly went in two days and so Andrew has been able to finish off the trellis and walk way.. we now have a trellis that stands up straight, when touched does not break and does not sway in the wind.. Brilliant!

Smart new trellis

A bit of a mess of mud where there used to be grass.. can't be helped in this  weather.

So there is a fair bit of tidying to do now the trellis is up the weather meant that wherever the guys walked mud was made and grass and plants now need some TLC.. Good news however is that they managed to save my precious wisteria and get it back on the trellis .. Brilliant!
Winnie checking out the work

I have had a great day today... finished a patch of the garden and started a new patch next to the lake, its nice to be out and about when buds are coming out and bulbs are growing and the first sign of spring.. we have snow drops all over.. I LOVE spring flowers.

snowdrops .. pretty 

daffodils not far behind.. with a watchful Winnie making sure they are ok

Beautiful little things 

Mr Waen was back from London town yesterday and he came bearing gifts.. Nice.. its unlucky to put new shoes on the table so here are my new wellies suspended in the air. 

posh wellies

And as I have my new wellies thought I better get on with some planting so I have added more seed trays to the bedroom window ledges... but in the allotment the garlic is in the ground whoop!

2 rows of garlic :-)

I am off up north for a couple of days now so back to it next week.. Mr Waen (not a natural gardener) has been left in charge of watering the bedroom seed trays.. he has clear directions.. be gentle, don't over water, remember to water them.. and then a threat of injury if not done properly.. so here's hoping!


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