Sunday 3 March 2013

New things have moved in..

I have had a stinking cold all week.. I blame the first born of Mr Waen who brought it over at the weekend :-) in a very unlike me fashion I even had a day wrapped in blankets on my couch .. not a pretty picture.

I was however cheered when I popped to have a look to see if the girls were ok and found Mr and Mrs Mallard pottering around the pond.. literally walking on water because the lake was frozen over.. but later having a swim with Sophie and Blueberry. 

Walking on water 

Ice starting to thaw.. careful Mr Mallard 

Mrs Mallard and Sophie

Mr Mallard and the girls 
They stayed about for 3 days then on friday morning at about 6:00 am there was an unholy screaming match going on outside and it was DUCK WARS.. and when I got up and looked no more Mr and Mrs Mallard, but then.. they came back again on Saturday.

As my nephew is very keen to give a name to boy's not just girls we have christened them Will-i-am and Fergie (heavens) .. and they may become permanent or may just become frequent visitors.

ANYWAY.. the week of new additions does not stop there .. we had a lovely friend staying over for a long weekend and so we hopped off to Hay on Wye on Saturday (I love that place) for a truffle about in book shops and antique shops and all the lovely arty shops they have along with having a lovely lunch.

Since we moved in Mr W and I have been looking for the perfect item to put in a funny little cubby hole shelf on the stairs and whilst readers may not agree we have indeed found the perfect thing... introducing ... Flossie the sheep a fabulous piece of Hay on Wye pottery brilliance!

And last but not least Mr W has been doing DIY again.. this time to light up my life .. with his new solar fairy lights (my brilliant boss the fairly light queen will approve) the obvious flaw is that they are SOLAR lights in WALES.. but hey you never know! meanwhile whilst the phots do it no justice, they look quite cute xx

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