Friday 22 March 2013

lots to catch up on..

I have been a remiss blogger so thought better catch up on the happenings.

I have been all over the place since I last posted.. up to the north for Mothers day, a nice catch up with the girls and then a lovely lunch with my Mam.. then was back here for  three days ,  during which I got me a part time job working with people with Learning Disabilities as a support worker.. haven't started yet and won't until they determine I am not a master criminal. On the morning of the interview I was greeted at the cattle grid by a coach full of small children who apparently were bound for our garden for a spot of orienteering.. I think not the place is like a marsh and is not in a position for that .. I was mildly hysterical when I looked out to see a sign saying orienteering pointed towards the house and it was emotional when I had to say no and some bottom lips started to wobble anyway off they trotted to the woods and oriented themselves around that.

After that it was  off to Leeds for a meeting at the charity I work for and then from there off to harrogate to attend my graduation with my Mam, Dad and Mr Waen. Then Mr W, myself and Dad came back here and then the next morning the Pater and I were up with the sparrows to go to the Grow your own garden show ( LOVED IT!

How life changes.. I used to get excited about shoes and handbags now the things that blow my skirt up are plants, seeds and innovative garden products..  and I got to see James Wong (small swoon)! We came back laden with leaflets, seeds, plants, planters and then I bought my dad and I one of these babies each..

A seedsava  ( check it out fellow veg growers.. never again will you need to 'thin out' your carrots! I got some brilliant James Wong plants .. Inca berries and firey chillies and lots of his strange seeds (will let you know how that goes).. James tells me that they are   " Very easy to grow. Delicious and ornamental. Individual berries wrapped in a Chinese lantern. The Incan delicacy that thrives on neglect, giving fresh berries right up until Christmas. Tastes like: Gooseberries, kiwi, pineapple, orange."

it was the thriving on neglect that appealed.. but there is neglect and neglect. My Dad was ace at the show.. everything we saw he insisted we could make (a true allotment holder right there) and he was right with regards to an insect hotel that cost £34.00 that he made when he came back here that night (photo's below)..

My other great find at the garden show (stop me if I am boring you) was the HotBin composter.. I got paid on Wednesday so grabbed one asap ..can't wait I spend so much money on compost and my outdoor compost isn't ready yet so this will be ACE.

So after the garden show on Sunday I had a pottering day in the garden and then our latest guest from Leeds, C,  arrived which was fab, so the week ended with Sunday Lunch and a bit/ lot of wine.

The next morning was a slow one but we eventually got our backsides in gear and found a patch of garden to go and play with (I would note I don't force people who visit to garden) but some enjoy it.. and this was a good way to blow the cobwebs away.. We found a patch by the lake which was covered in dead lake plants and raked for our lives.. that patch complete we turned to the lake side and a you can see by the before and after below started to tidy the dead stuff up.. She is a demon with a rake! There were a few near misses with toads but all survived.
On Tuesday Morning we went for a walk in the nearby woods.. having never been in them I was not the best navigator but it was a hoot.. we had to climb over fallen tree's throw winnie the dog over a couple of barbed wire fences, scramble through moss and brambles up the side of a little hill.. all the while just trusting our instinct would get us back to the house.. and over 2 hours later it did (PHEW).
The weather went bobbins after that so attempts to do more lake work were abandoned for a bit of bird spotting, tea and cake.. nice.

On Wednesday the car was off to the garage.. just to finish it off after its bump (oops) and we had a skip coming to take away an old mattress and various other rubbish so I went off with the car and then came back for a bit more of the lake rake scenario.. Unbelievably in such a short space of time I reckon we got at least two thirds of the way around the lake.. Thank you very much C.. had a fab time :-)

Today I have been house bound due to  appalling weather.. the temperatures have dropped again and all the plants out in the Green house are struggling .. everything is now covered in fleece and there is a green house heater going at full tilt but my plans to put the seeds I have grown inside, into the greenhouse have been scuppered.. Mr W is being a bit good about it but I am sure he thinks its all a bit mad..

So the fortnight in pictures (gap and gown not included it wasn't my best look)


below is the mouse that I found in my welly boot.. thank you Archie.. I wondered why i couldn't get my welly on and shoved and shoved and then on turning book upside down this is what was found.. Now worryingly in the time it took me to get a bag to pop him in (3 minutes) it was gone.. with only Winnie the dog close by.. Yuck!

RIP Mickey!

We had to stock up on wild bird peanuts as we had run out.. but trying to unload them was a bit of a pain with the greedy girls getting in the way...

As you can see we still have Mr and Mrs Mallard (Fergie and Will-I-Am) and whilst they are not yet fully part of the gang they are not shy to come and get some of the duck food from the garage.. Really looking after them though .. I want ducklings!!!!

 The insect hotel.. saved me some money.. all items recycled .. well done Dad.

Handmade and just as brilliant 

Skip at the start of Thursday 

Skip at the end of Thursday  -  there is a King sized mattress in there and  Mr W was not at home.. Girl Power .. Seems however though that Mr Waen is often absent when heavy labour is needed.. remember the Logs? 
Scene from the bottom of the lane.. skippy lovely lambs
I took these piccies too late in the day so not doing it justice.. the before and after of the Lake rake.. will post better one's when its all done.. Fabulous effort!!


The indoor greenhouse.. come on weather!!!! sort it out.

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