Tuesday 20 August 2013

Holiday Season is over.. back to work Mrs W

I am having a strange week.. the house is empty only I am here (and my incredibly  fierce dogs burglars). We have had so much fun with people to stay that its odd only to have to suit myself.. I suspect I will quickly get used to it :-) Mr W is off globe trotting this week (I know where I would rather be poor him) and so I am catching up on bizzillions of chores in the garden and house.. its nice to potter.

So since I last updated my big sister (in age not size) and my niece and nephew have been with the dreaded dog Barry.. so the chickens were in fear and poor Winnie had her ears chewed for a fortnight. To be fair on Barry though he has come on in terms of his behaviour in leaps and bounds but sadly it was leaps and bounds out of the dining room window that meant poor Cheryl and Glenda the chickens now look oven ready! We had been so so careful when going in and out and didn't think that he would leap out the window but that's sight hounds for you.. little sod! My dogs, I think, like him but I also think they are glad to have their beds back.. for all Barry's mummy brought his own bed to sleep in it seems he wanted Winnies bed much more.. so she went all woman on him and as she couldn't beat him she joined him by sleeping on his legs (stubborn like her mummy).

It was a crafty time with the kids, Madeline came armed with a 'crafty pony' kit to make.. the webisite advises that a five year old can make this.. let me tell you that is bollocks.. a 39 year old and an 11 year old had a sodding mare with it but he got done.  http://www.craftyponies.co.uk/#/how-to-sew/4563656941

Meanwhile I finished my first ever dress and my sister made a skirt and Ethan worked hard at making a fox.. good old family fun .. My sister even got some home made Christmas done.. jam, chutney and a large proportion of a scarf.

At the weekend we were joined by my sisters man and his kids and some of our chums too.. so we had a rounders tournament, Sports day and  the bake off final (the bake off has been going on for some weeks between my sister and her man with me as a mix of Mary and Paul) and the final challenge was ' your own interpretation of a gingerbread house' it was certainly a house full.. but all was well.

Mr W and I have had a weekend away in York (thank you to Jumi and Chums for the house sitting) where we had a night at Hotel du Vin (food to DIE for) and then we went to the Proms at Castle Howard with my mam and dad.. given the summer we have had I expected the picnic to go without hitch instead we spent 5 hours in driving rain listening to the proms and eating a slightly soggy picnic.. but still MUCH FUN!!

Last but not least.. to the ducklings .. check out the picture below.. they don't stay small for long.. spot mammy?

Get OFF my bed hound!!!!

My Sisters Ginger bread tent (the winner)

The Man's gingerbread radio (a good try)

Been pickling beetroot from the garden :-)

Crafty Sodding Pony!

Proms in Poncho's

Ah.. they grow up so quick.. spot the mammy

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