Tuesday 23 April 2013

sun burnt hands..

...can you believe that today I have got sun burnt hands.. and only hands.. not arms.. not face .. not neck or any other bits of me that were exposed just my hands! most odd! Anyway that's not news really. 

Its been another busy week.. I am dashing about like a lunatic trying to get the garden in a state that it can be left whilst I trot off on holiday .. so lots of the greenhouse plants are now going into the ground both in the veg patch and flower beds and I am working on the final section of Money Falls as well as trying to weed everything and stop the sodding chickens from digging all the pebbles out of the pathway (new hobby of theirs).. we are now sweeping round every night because of the mess they make for 5 small things their mess is far reaching :-)

The garden looks even more bonkers at the moment with loads of wire chicken protective fencing around little bundles of new flowers.. but in a few weeks we can whip em off and hopefully all will be well  :-)

The wildlife is full of busy as ever.. our frog spawn has moved up a gear .. we now have tadpoles.. its dead exciting and Mrs Mallard (Fergie) is now spending much more time in the house so surely that means babies soon!!!! We are going to row over tomorrow and check on her lovely self. And we seemingly have a new pet squirrel who whilst is cute and he is cute is also wrecking the lovely weeping willow tree by biting off the branches! I spend my life trying to protect this lovely garden from feathered and furry folk.. oh well its a labour of love. 

All in all another good week.. lots of things are coming up in the garden and its showing up empty patches a bit but I have a squillion plants just waiting to fill those patches post holiday .. so all is good :) Its not however good around here for mice at the moment today in doing some weeding at the front of the house six dead mice were found.. its like mass slaughter now.. Archie has perhaps manned up a bit much now!

In other news.. we have been out and about truffling for treasures again and I think we may make Mr W's biggest son proud with our new finds.. we have bought a radio from the '60's to compliment the 'dancette'.. was a little bargain.. then we went to charity shops and found more singles for the dancette 'don't give up on us baby' by David Soul was my particular favourite (childhood memories a plenty) and we found an antique fabric shop which was relocating and selling loads of stuff off and got 2 gorgeous suitcases which just finish off the last spare room which I also managed to finally get decorated.

E-bay is our new chum too .. and we have bought a gorgeous dinner service with serving dishes, 12 place settings and a tea set too.. I am in love with it and am now excited to get the e-bay welsh dresser which is being delivered tomorrow!! Apart from that we also got some new plants for a shady and empty patch which we got from a lovely plant nursery we found and Mr W got a BBQ .. so of course being truly British we had that BBQ going on Saturday.. Yum :-)

Its been another long, busy and fabulous week at Waen :-)

The current mission.. finish money falls down to the bridge.. can I have a  member of the Money family back please?? 


Man BBQ again.. note how all of the furniture was moved to accommodate it!!! and yet my Chimmnea  looks so much prettier :-)

its ace and it also works.. Radio Hafren.. not the best station  but hey!

the collection grows.. 

My new love.. 

pretty pretty pretty 

the lovely suitcases

with their original owners tag.. lovely

the last room all done 

fresh and snug 

shoes I will probably never wear again wellies are the new stilleto 

lovely pictures made by our lovely friend have found their perfect home 

my new method to get rid of garden waste.. granted I need one  the  size of the house but  it does a good job 

insane but chicken protected garden!

lots of green jumping through .. and these gorgeous girls  :-)

naughty squirrel wrecking our tree

but he does look cute 

Tadpoles (the little brown sick things)

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