Monday 17 December 2012

Birthday's are ace.

It was my birthday yesterday and I have been spoilt with cards, a cake and lots of pressies.. thank you to my fabulous family, friends and Mr Waen.

All of my pressies were so lovely, things to spoil myself with, things that made me smile and the garden / chicken themed things.. Lucky me!

Some of my things had a garden theme, a chimnea, some tools and a scare dog and insect house! I am a spoilt woman indeed so in my new earrings, clutching my new mug full of tea, off I popped to put scare dog and insect house in their new home!

Insect House

Scare-dog protecting the raspberry bed!

And the BEST gardening gift of all .. instead of going out for expensive lunch  Mr Waen  gave me  2 whole hours of gardening time.. He did well for his debut


  1. Happy Belated Birthday! Your new abode look lovely xxx

  2. Hey you.. thank you very much.. It is lovely for sure.. very lucky. We must arrange for you and yours to get down here in the new year. Its child paradise for sure. Hope you all have a fabulous Christmas and we look forward to catching up really soon xxxxx
