Tuesday 22 October 2013

Freddie update

Well day one of Freddie passed by with some small triumphs .. we woke up at 6:00 to a hellish nightmare of 'puppy accidents' everywhere except where we had placed puppy pads.. so I refreshed my brain on puppy toilet training and 2 out of 3 of the day time performances happened outside.. WHOOOP!

It is good that I live where there is no-one nearby because I celebrated a puppy poo in the meadow much like Andy Murray celebrated his Wimbledon win.

Speaking of Win's .. our Winnie is slowly getting used to Freddie.. she is clearly not in love with him but think she is mildly amused in an 'I have an irritating brother' kind of way.

They both had a fabulous run around the meadow yesterday.. Freddie was mainly hanging off her cheeks but she handled it quite well.

Its raining like nobodys business here this week.. the waterfalls are have flowing water on them and the ground is like a bog so no gardening possible.. I am not fair weather but when you start sinking in the garden you know its time to come in.. bit frustrating as lots to do but not to worry it will stop raining in April  :-)

Anyway .. I know you are only interested in the pup not my to do list and so here he is..

this used to be a tiny stream.. it was up to the top of  Freddie's legs 

A proper waterfall..

1st major trip outside

Big sis keeping an eye 

I am so wet 'cause Mam made me have a wee and I took ages.. but I DID IT!!!!


'halfway up the stairs is the stair where I sit'

Its not my bone but she has gone outside so I will just have a little go

On a non Freddie related note.. check out the BIG EGG.. Bigger than an egg.. Bigger than a kiwi .. poor chicken.. ouch  :-)

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