Wednesday 11 September 2013

Poorly McCaully, weedy allotments and flying lessons..

I have been and still am a bit worried about my lovely old man (that's McCaully not Mr W). He stopped eating on Friday and then on Saturday morning he woke me up early crying and  didn't like his head or face being touched, his mouth was full of horrible stuff and so off we went to the vet. There were no appointments left but using the trump card  of 'he is 16' will always get your dog into vet and luckily it was the really lovely vet who he has met before. There is no diagnosis as yet.. he has been on antibiotics and the horrible stuff in his mouth has cleared up but there is still a lump.. it could be a rotten tooth which is infected or it could be something more sinister.. so can we please all cross our paws for the best dog in the world and hope that its the former and not the latter. 
He has been back today and we are trying 10 more days of antibiotics to really try and shift it, if that doesn't work its x-rays and biopsies so trying to spare him the invasive stuff until really necessary. Meanwhile I have baked Mr W a cake.. this could be about to get expensive!! Lolly is eating again (not the cake of course) the vet gave him dog 'complan' type affair to get his appetite going.. Jeeps it looked rough but he liked it very much as did his feline friends.. 

And that is why he is the best dog in the world.. he is poorly, hasn't eaten for 2 days and shares his dinner with the cats.. what a lovely lovely chap.. I am lucky to have him.

Other news on the animal front.. Sophie has left the Island minus ducklings.. can't decide if I am pleased or sad about that but either way she is eating now, looking much neater and hanging out with her mate Blueberry again.. (at this point sing Reunited by Peaches and Herbs  -  unless you are too young) its cute to see them back together. They are a bit of a formidable duo where the poor ducklings are concerned.. back to the back of the food queue for them :-(. Mind you those babies have other things on and whilst my photo is rubbish this morning we sat and watched flying school taking place.. was hysterical.. all of the babies gathered around whilst mummy waddled (think she would have preferred to march) up and down and as she passed they each flapped their wings.. TOO TOO cute!

flying school.. check out the baby on the right.
And finally I have seemingly given myself the WORST possible job in the world of relaying all of the paths in the allotment.. it got so full of weeds this year and they took over everything and so needs must but dear me.. 3 days in and I have one seriously sore back.. and still two thirds to go.. looking good though.. once I have done it all the chippings that I have been making out of the old wood from the meadow and woodland will be used to mulch it all... check out my recycling self  :-)
Mr W is working in the allotment too.. he is weatherproofing the greenhouse.. we are getting ready to hibernate :-) Can't wait! 

Pathways before.. 

after.. just need the wood chippings 

and another. 

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