Saturday 14 September 2013

A bat and more from Peaches and Herb

Today we have been to meet with Mr W's big son and the lovely Em.. we went to the Ludlow food festival.. Yum! Son and Em are key to the growth of Mr W's record collection (remember the Dancette) and they brought him about 100 records today.. Mr W is sat beside me polishing them (which is interesting as he does no other cleaning). Anyway putting that to one side and the fact that he is singing each of the records to me (that could be tiresome by 100) what is really cool after saying that Sophie and Blueberry are should have the theme tune of 'reunited' by Peaches and Herb.. look at what we got.. LOVE IT.. I am off to play it to them tomorrow..

Syncronicity right there.. 

So we had a lovely day.. I think at one point I was drunk but that's fun.. and then when we got home our lounge was mega warm so Mr W opened a window and this little chap fell down.. little Mr Bat.. nice :-)

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