Sunday 4 May 2014

April in photo's..

Where did April go anyone? But it was a good one with a few successes.. the Woodland is DONE and the enormous pile of building rubble that has been the blot on my landscape since we moved in has been removed.  Easter was lovely and we have had lovely guests to make us smile too.

I have been participating in a photo a day mini project with some chums throughout April and so the good news of this is I don't have to babble on and can instead show you April at the lovely Waen in photo form :-) I hope you enjoy xxx

The poly tunnel at work all planted up and seeds sown.. loving my job  :-)

The beautiful magnolia tree looking stunning in the sunshine 

The little toad who was in my welly whilst I was trying to get it on.. mild concussion for him but he survived  

The bee frames have arrived.. the bees are due any time now.

a rainy day but the porch provided chicken protection

The 'butterfly protection unit'  -  net curtains will stop my cabbages and sprouts from annihilation

Freshly dug bunny hole 

new trees in the orchard 

New fridge .. with a freezer in the house .. the walk to the garage started to grate  :-)

potting on time 

Mummy number 18 and her lovely twins 

I am helping to test recipes for the Powys/Montgomery WI cook book .. here are mine to test 

Cool new chain sawed mushroom from one of the chaps at work.. LOVE IT 

WI recipe  - Waffle berry pudding ready for the oven. 

the completed one  -  YUM!! its a winner 

a Day out at Pig Keeping school 

cute babies 

Lovely mummy and her babies 

Hungry Girls 

Pig keeping school was close to the place in the UK known for its most bee hives.. now christened Apedale  :-)

WI Recipe 2  -  LOVELY!!! 

WI Recipe 3  -  Vile!!!!

The beginnings of a cot blanket for Mr W's grandchild to be.. this is a bunny he has always drawn for his boys and anyone else  for that matter :-)

Harmony in the home 

cool house in Bishops Castle  -  out for lunch with a chum  :-)

WI recipe 4  -  not bad ish 

After deciding to walk part of Severn Way with chum we got a little lost  -  we eventually picked up the road we should have been on and finally found home.. and there it is in the distance.. 

First lamb born at the farm.. 1 day old.. I am in love

Out in the field with Mammy .. 

Beetroot and Dandelion Wine .. Yum

The skip full of building rubble.. sore backs but happy Waen residents 

The end result!!!

much better 

Mr W's first trip on bike .. did not end well .. well barely started to be frank. 

a new garden chum.. looks a touch like Freddie in dragon form

The bee suit arrived.. heavens!

A lovely curry cooked by a fab visitor.. yum!

That must be hurting him since the fire is still on

1st duckling of the year!!!

The blind cat.. aged 18.. ha a new escape route.. not wise little lady!

Nor is leaving the garden and heading down the lane 

looks happy though 

the babies with mammy 


So That was April.. bring on May xxx

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