Sunday 9 March 2014

It's stopped Raining! Spring has sprung and Mr W has a birthday

And thank goodness for that .. its been a busy few weeks.. visitors, gardening, Frock shopping, fences, Mr W's birthday and becoming an editor.

February half term was fun my sister, niece, nephew all landed along with her fiancé and his family.. My sister, niece and I had a day in Cardiff shopping for frocks and by some minor miracle managed to get my wedding dress and the dress that my niece will be wearing when she and my nephew give me away. it didn't look like it was going to happen at first but in the final hour we cracked it! I nearly bought a Vivian Westwood number but figured that a designer dress in a garden with dogs, alcohol, a lake and small people could all just equal a dress disaster .. I wear what I eat at the best of times :-) Was a fun day.. I haven't been shopping like that forever!

It was Mr W's birthday at the end of that week and he was presented (from sis and the kids) with a jumper that just say's CHIPS.. he has been banned from these since a minor health drama so its a protest jumper.. dream on :-) I bought him something much more healthy.. A Bee hive.. stand by honey lovers  :-)

The following week my dad landed and just in the nick of time (before the whole thing blew away) replaced my veg patch fences.. so I am ready for growing season for sure now! We then used all of the off cuts from the fencing job to make wedding signs for the lane.. I am thinking up what to put on them as we speak. he certainly worked hard bless him.. meanwhile I am STILL  clearing the bank sides but really hopeful to be done in the next couple of weeks as I have another big project after that waiting for me in the wood! Got to get ship shape by August!

In amongst all of that, and working I have also been editing the Llandinam Listener.. our local newsletter of which I am a big fan.. its fallen to the same couple of people in the village for years and so they are training up a couple more so that we can all take turns.. and having done this I am NOT surprised.. its a bit of a task.. I am ready for the proofreaders to look at it now though so slowly getting there .. as ever its busy busy!

The WI darts team are still going strong and at long long last I have won one of my games.. the problem we have is that none of us can hit doubles so given you have to finish on a double these games can take for ever.. good fun though  I have truly never laughed so much! We haven't made the final (big surprise) but we certainly haven't disgraced ourselves either!

And the best of all the news.. Spring is here! So I chose a lovely sunny day to finally lay my lovely Mccaully dog to rest.. he has a rose called 'simply the best' to mark his spot! he is in the area where he sunbathed lots in his last year with me.

Mr Heron has returned from his winter holiday 

Ducks are finding places to nest .. though not sure the top of this is most sensible for eggs!

smart new fence 

side view

wedding signs x 8

The daffodils have started 

On a lovely spring day I  laid my Lovely lolly dog to rest . And here is his rose.. ' simply the best'  most fitting for my lovely chum. 

pretty snowdrops in the sun 

The frog spawn has started

spring flowers

Planting season!

Freddie helping with the editing of the LLandinam Listener 

Paper everywhere.. very confusing 

1st draft ready for proof 

check me out

Mr W having a kitchen protest 

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