Sunday 16 February 2014

It's all wind and weddings.. oh and a bit of rain and snow..

So what's been going on down at Waen.. Have just had to upload all the photo's I have taken because my head has been a bit all over the joint with weather, weddings, work and Waen in general.. so going from the top.. Ducks.. 

There is nonsense afoot with the Mallards this starts with the fact that there are more boys than girls and I reckon that there is some major bullying going on .. there are 2 of them scrapping here.. and one of the boys always seems to be left behind poor chappie :-(

then to add to Mallard madness they appear to be going out on day trips quite a lot.. perhaps looking for new homes for new babies that may be trotting along.. Must be honest kind of hope so... if each pair has 6 babies... that would be a SERIOUS amount of new mouths to feed!

day tripping 

 The Weather has prevented any sort of outdoor gardening which is a HUGE shame becasue I was on a complete mission clearing lots of nasty bramble suckering roots from the bankside to try and thin it out so that I can get more wildflowers and bumble bee attractors in there in the future.. but as I was slipping and sliding up the banks it became a not dissimilar to the winter Olympics so I have had to pause that mission.. Anyway in the absence of outdoor gardening I have turned my attention to indoor gardening and how amazing has this lovely Amaryllis that my Mam bought for me turned out :-)

UNLIKE the below attempt at the hyacinth for our WI february competition.. dear me.. so in October we were all given a Hyacinth bulb and the mission was to turn up to the February meeting with it in bloom.. well I managed the bloom but why is it so tiny.. clearly i did not win the competition.. look what I was up against.. 

My feeble attempt 

The rest of them.. Hmmm.. Major fail  Mrs waen

And during all of this Malarky the weather stepped up a right notch..after 4 weeks of rain we moved on to snow.. which to be honest was a nice change.. Freddie had his first snow encounter.. the ludicrous creature ran out of the house slipped along the path and smashed into the rockery wall.. clown! There was some mild mayhem getting into work .. if you think Waen is remote it has NOTHING on the farm but I made it .. 

 And the snow came and went fairly quickly and was followed up with the HOWLING winds.. thankfully we have just taken delivery of a LOT of wood to re-fence the veg garden because it is pretty much all hanging off the fence posts.. can't wait for my dad to arrive to get on with that task  :-)
we lost internet and power for a while and all in all was a bit scary but we got off lightly.. there is some tree damage and we have lost a tree sadly but not bad considering the rest of the country.
a huge bough has come away from one of our most beautiful fir tree

the tree is badly damaged but a chat with a tree surgeon tells me all will be well long term

unlike this fella who is out of the ground roots and all 

 There are pockets of floods .. some that used t be pathways all over the garden.. here is the boy Freddie making great attempts not to get his paws wet..
 and our lovely girl stopping for a bit of a drink  :-)

So what to do in all of this weather other than plan the Waen wedding.. so I have now made 150 meters of bunting .. more to come.. 


and stuck 400 butterflies onto tiny pegs.. not without injury from the glue gun.. 

My sister and the kids are up this week so I am hoping for a spot of better weather.. time to get back to the garden me thinks  :-)

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