Sunday 21 June 2015

Sheep rescue, weddings, royal garden parties, no chickens left, playing with Barn owls and starting a business.

May and June insanely busy as the post title may suggest.. it all began when Mr H went for his usual evening walk and found a fat sheep all tied up in Brambles, completely tangled and unable to get out so armed with a knife and some scissors I went to drive up (as far as car could take me) to help with the rescue. After 40 mins a lot  of fleece lost and incredible patience from Mrs Sheep we finally got her free to totter off and find her sheepy chums.

The beginning of May was taken up with getting the garden, the house and the WEDDING CAKE ready for us to potter off to the Isle of Mull for my lovely sister’s wedding in between times we had Mr H’s lovely niece, hubbie and 2 small people to visit which was not without incident.. a bash on the head from a coffee table for one and a batch of chicken pox for each child.. they were still on good form though and we had fun.

The Isle of Mull was amazing.. after the stress of getting 90 table centres, a wooden caricature, a PA and 3 tiers of hand made, lace iced wedding cake shipped from Wales to the lake district, from the lakes to Glasgow, Glasgow to Oban and Oban to Mull it was great to be able to chill out! The road trip (cargo aside) was great fun, we loved Grasmere and the hotel was amazing.. it was a fab spa hotel and Mr W and I had a rasul mud treatment. 

I can highly recommend it. 

In Glasgow we ate thai food, Mr W learned to Knit at john Lewis (long story) and enjoyed seeing civilisation again and in Oban, we went seal watching.. ace!

Mull was a hive of activity too, we went horse riding, puffin spotting, to see Balamory (Tobermory), Mr W had a landscape photography day and I had a lovely massage as the bride and bridesmaids went trotting off for a spa morning. The wedding day was amazing. The sun shone, the vicar was cool, the band were great and whilst I am clearly no good at ceilidh dancing what I lose in ability I make up for in wine fuelled enthusiasm. So all in all 10 jolly good days away.
We had brilliant house sitters as ever looking after the various creatures and the tomato plants and I came home to peace, calm and a very tidy green house. Having since battled with the weeds and overgrown grass the garden is now looking good (ish) again tomorrow is a strimming day (yuck).

So a day after my return it was off to the Royal Garden party.. what a treat.. I was invited as the WI turn 100 this year and so  member of each WI was able to attend.. sadly no photos as not allowed but the memories are firmly in my head and I had a great day.

So after all of that excitement, I then thought life was too peaceful so decided to open a business

Christmas shopping starts here folks  J

And in my spare time became a Volunteer fundraiser for these guys (donate at will people)
on Friday I got to join them on a day of site checking of the Barn Owl boxes, which they lovingly make, install and monitor to make sure that this amazing bird stays in our countryside. These guys also rebuild tumbling down barns all over the place to further ensure the protection of their feathery inhabitants and do so with complete dedication and give their time and expertise 100% free of charge.. and the result of this humongous effort from this small group of volunteers is .. the 6-7 week old baby (photo below) .. who today with his sibling was with great care ringed with his own unique number for his future monitoring. What a beautiful creature.

and then… finally …  in sad news not so fantastic Mr Fox ate the last of my chickens.. so goodnight Katie, Glenda and Hilary. You have been great chums  L

Puffin watching on Mull

Highland Coo's 

Horse riding madness

all dressed up for the Palace 

My Posh invitation 

Pak Choi.. I GREW THAT!!!

stuck sheep

Free sheep

Best seafood ever (Oban ferry car park)

seal watching 

Mr W Learns to Knit 

baby owl

putting his ring on 

Rhubarb and Vanilla jam.. I MADE THAT! and GREW IT!

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