Sunday 12 April 2015

yikes its April already

Buying Mr Waen this 12 days of Christmas thing with an activity each month makes me feek like the months are flying buy.. we are already up to number 3.. we have been horse riding in Feb (loved it) and clay pigeon shooting in March. I am still to find the activity that I shine at ... perhaps I am a natural Gorge walker (April) we shall see.

Its my my favourite time of year.. I love spring.. everything is waking up in he garden and its time for the veg patch to get going again and best of all.. the WI spring show is just around the corner (Hysterical) and so i have been full of busy crafting my entries. I am entering;
5 knitted items on a 12 inch doll (and have already caused controversy in doing that). a fruit flan (which I had forgotten until just now) and a machine sewn peg bag!
I am also featuring in  some of the combined displays.. get me!

In other news I have retired from working at the farm.. I have a little business plan on the go and have turned the spare room into a hive of activity.. More later when youngest Mr Waen son has created my logo and I am up and running.. exciting  :-)

My Bib for the spring show 

A little pink friend I made for a baby due any minute 

check out the name of this shop in the village on knockin.. amused me  :-)

How could I forget to mention that Mr W had his modelling début (the things I rope him into poor love) 

This is a splinter that poor Freddie had in his paw. .. after much caffuffle he let me tale it out and looked slightly miffed that he wasn't getting any more attention

Frog spawn.. woo hoo. 

and this year we also have toad spawn (check me out I know the difference) 

My favourite of all of our plants.. the fab stink weed.. crazy looking stuff

The broad beans are doing well 

leeks and onion bed 

garlic is doing good work 

Salad and carrots all planted.. I used mole hill soil for the carrots...  I may get straight ones this year

green house filling up 

The beetroot patch 

my WI spring show peg bag!

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