Wednesday 4 December 2013

Christmas and Birthday's - I LOVE December

Well its been all go here.. My new job is going well and I really like everyone I work with and the farm so its all good news. I have started my role as WI secretary, my first task is to learn everyone's names (this is hard for me) but will suss it out eventually.
 This has been my first week doing both my farm job and my work for the charity in Leeds and its been crazy but have managed and had fun being so busy (not that I wasn't before).

On Sunday I donned my waders and started cutting back around the lake for winter.. Mr W had to  pull me out at one point when my foot started to sink and the other one couldn't get a grip.. eek! but managed to get a little way around (about 1 tenth).. so a little way more to go!

But the most exciting thing to have happened of late is that on the 29th of November my very lovely friend Anne took me for a surprise day out to Manchester.. I had train tickets sent and the instruction to bring a lace up shoe and wear trousers.. OO heck .. as anyone who knows me knows I am NOT a risk taker so was a bit worried non  the less off I trotted having full faith that she love's me and wouldn't want to kill me..  so after THE most amazing lunch here..

which was a taster menu of which every mouthful was heaven I was feeling really rather relaxed s we hopped into  a taxi to the secret 'activity' destination.. and this is where we ended up...

Indoor skydiving.. Oh me oh my!! NEVER have I been more scared but gosh did we laugh (75% of it was nervous laughing).. you get 2 1 minute flights which sounds quick yes?? .. NO.. they have time delay or something because those minutes were long.. waiting to get out of work on a Friday night type of LONG! But such fun.. for an extra 5.00 you can go right to the very top of the tunnel with the instructor holding onto you .. so of course in for a penny.. in for 5.00 and off we went.. I had such a GREAT day.. Love that woman!  Pictures will follow when I get them but my certificate is here;

Check me out.. love it more than my degree certificate!

So In other news the 1st of December came which means DECORATE THE HOUSE.. yeah yeah yeah.. and as I get giddy throwing tinsel everywhere Mr W flares nostrils and declares me to be lacking in taste.. ha ha.. every year the same.. every year but i love tinsel so I tinselled .. this year we are a 3 tree house.. greedy or what but as I am not seeing my mammy on the big day (NOOOOOO) and instead we are in welsh Wales with MR W's lovely son I have eased my no mammy pain with tree's.

The complete Girl tree 

The santa train fire guard - Much hated by Mr W

The big tree  -  Kris that's your Santa sack there look 

the tree in a pot bow tree (lights to be purchased) 
so the shopping and wrapping is done.. the turkey ordered, the hampers made we are good to go..

The Home made hampers have been flying out of the door (iI even sold one) I made 31 this year.. 19 for  our lovely friends, 1 made to order for MONEY, and 11 for Mr W's work team.. that's a lot of chutney, jam, wine, bath bombs, soap, lip balm and boxes!

 In amongst all of that I have been Knitting wise men.. I may have already said that every group in LLandinam has been invited by the church to decorate a tree in the theme of a Carol (a Christmas one that is not like Carol Thatcher) our Carol was 'We three kings' .. Bollocks.. jingle bells would have been a doddle!

A serious amount of hamper goods.. all home made.. feel quite proud. 

30 hampers all done 

two wise men.. no three only just came off the needles.. tree goes up tomorrow!

 And of course Freddie news.. Winnie used to bug the life out of our lovely Lolly dog.. jump all over him when he was getting a cuddle and stand on him at dinner time and drive him nuts.. you could almost hear him tutting and mumbling about the youth of today.. well Ms Winnie is having her pay back.. Freddie hangs off her ears, pulls her fur.. jumps all over her when she is getting a cuddle and generally drives her nuts.

he is also a Major thief.. if its not nailed down its in his bed, slippers, hair ties, books, gloves whatever.. but below he is practising for his Xmas dinner.. in bed with his friend Sprout
Gotta love him.

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