Monday 8 July 2013

its just so busy... the meadow is mowed not without tears and tantrums

Cor blimey I can't begin to tell you what a nightmare that was but at last the meadow is mowed.. the mower was twice in hospital, I have walked a million miles, cried 3 times and had 2 x mega strops but it is DONE!!! Never again will I let it get so long.. its winter holidays for us from now on!!!!

The worst thing was all the time that was happening I swear I could hear the weeds in the rest of the garden growing behind my back.. but yesterday I tackled stone henge and now we have less buttercups and weeds and much more neatness and order.. I have planted loads of lovely foxgloves all around it so that next year it will look lovely and colourful.

The next mission is the Rhododendron area and lawn which is being tackled today.. got some lovely lavender plants for a complete bargain price in town and have found the spot for them.. with the weather so glorious its time to get cracking.. I will never be bored for sure.

Its been a mad couple of weeks, lots of lovely friends have visited and we have had a great time and we have been very very spoilt by our friends too.

In other news Mr W has finally had his new cooker delivered.. it matches the Aga and whilst it still needs to be lowered and properly chased into the wall (apparently that needs tools you cant just run at it) its looking smart... all it needs now is for Mr W to actually cook on it :-)

We are also a little power station now.. we have had the outbuilding covered in solar panels.. and wow .. did we choose the timing for that right.. we are creating loads of electric..

This is our new gnome.. bought by my godson and his mammy and daddy who we were lucky enough to have for a visit

The solar panels. its been sunny ever since :-)

Bought myself a little treat in Hay on Wye.. I have seen him lots of times and loved him so as a mowing meadow self reward.. I bought him home.. if those chickens keep eating my flowers I will bring them in to show them!! 

Minhaz and Micah bought us 2 lovely owls when they came to visit .. they are now hanging in a tree in the garden.. cute  they have been named Owly and Mowly by Micah

Thank you Mr Waen for my gardening mug.. I will try and live up to it
Introducing Edgar.. he is lush an was another pressie from my lovely friend Anne who came to visit.. he is perfect and makes me smile. 

the new cooker... when you are ready Mr W can you finish off?? xxx

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