Friday 10 May 2013

Cheeky Squirrel..

Well bags are packed, house is cleaned, greenhouse watered, chicken plant protection secured, we are ready to go but before we pop off had to show this cheeky squirrel pinching bird food...
is there anyone in there?

cant see them.. up we go

oooo can't quite reach

JUMP!! got it 

Now seriously.. why would I want to go on holiday xxxx

More on return!

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Holiday prep and work planned for the return..

Today I have had to come out of denial and get my pap together cause I am going on holiday and leaving paradise for 3 weeks.. eek!! I know its going to be a fun trip really.

So today's chores have been planting a lot of baby plants into the garden to reduce the watering stress of the green house from house sitters (there is however still a plant nursery worth left to care for .. sorry chums!)

Then I went on to making bundles of bedding and towels..

Then finished Money falls once and for all and then last but not least I cleaned the fridge. So it was a mixed day to say the least.. and one that started by a visit from Jehovah's witnesses.. which makes me think they must need to badly boost numbers to take that track on.. Thankfully I was in the garden with Winnie.. who, as she does, had a fit at the strangers and a double fit when they then proceeded to hand over leaflets.. thankfully she snatched her hand back in time. Anyway so I was told that my Garden was made by God, given that I was weeding (and there is a lot of that to do) I asked if due to the fact he made it he planned to pop back and remove the nettles and couch grass that have appeared all over the place .. seemingly not! well if you are up there big man.. I think we need to go back to back to the drawing board on this whole plant thing.. are you aware of the ferocity that nettles and couch grass spread? what was the plan there then? .. typical man never thought it through  :-)

Anyway I now have some lovely magazines to read should I wish to.

I have decided to take a weed as you go approach to the weeds so I weed a patch and then plant it .. a day of weeding would surely be too dull.. I have planted loads today in the cottage garden and yesterday in the allotment. The allotment looks ok.. as chickens cant get in but the cottage garden looks insane with zillions of little plants covered in chicken protection!! I will remove them when I get back.. needs must :-)

Money falls is looking great now and so have started to move further down stream raking all the sides.. its tiring but a huge sense of satisfaction when done.. the plan is to get a garden shredder after holidays but for now its burning and filling bags and bags with waste all in a good cause as when its done the plants can then be seen the ferns are already coming out so that's good.. I am looking forward to being able to really crack on when I get back :-)

My new reading material... but never mind the question is god cruel the real question is weeds?? why??

Little bales of linen for the guests.. as the weeks go on the mismatch gets worse and worse .. sorry chums !

chicken proofed

everywhere chicken proofing 

the last bit of money falls.. check back to see the before photo! 

starting on the other side of the stream.. 

Checking out my handiwork 

My Job on return.. EEK!

Money falls.. all done 

And finally .. Mr Waen has been gardening.. here he is Mr Waens Cress pig! a fabulous contribution to the 2.5 acre gardening cause!!  well its a start :-)

Monday 6 May 2013

duck eggs again..

Well in a last ditch effort we have popped some of the eggs under 2 broody chickens.. Thank you Mrs T for giving us the idea.. they have been there a few days and nothing yet but in other news Fergie has started laying more so we may yet see ducklings..

Less than a week to go before we go on holiday for 3 weeks.. Can't believe how anxious I am to leave things behind.. I know its in safe hands but I will miss most of the month of May and am a bit sad :-( I may yet hide in a cupboard and just burst out when the flight has gone xxx

Thursday 2 May 2013

more duck egg news..

We pottered over to do the 'candle test' only to now find that Blueberry is now sat on the eggs? Perhaps its some sort of duck fostering scheme.. Fergie is still ignoring the nest.. what next? will keep you posted  :-)

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Bad Mummy Duck..

I spoke too soon about Fergie being a good mummy and working hard to hatch those babies.. for the last day and a half she has simply left them behind and can be seen frolicking around on the lake without a care in the world!

I am told this can happen and be ok or it may be that the eggs are not viable in which case she will probably lay a second clutch later.

When Mr W returns to base camp tomorrow we will row over and scoop one to do the candle test and see if they are still with us and if this lack of care continues it may be that the house sitters have a little more on their hands than they first thought!!
