Thursday 11 December 2014

A grandson, November and Nashville

On the 19th October the Mr W became the proud owner (well part owner) of a Grandson. Little Charlie popped into the world fashionably late and taking his own sweet time with the labour process but safely delivered in Nashville. We are looking forward to having him scamper around Waen.. its kid paradise (if you ignore the deep lake and uneven surfaces) but that's what life jackets and knee pads were made for.

So plans were made to pop over to Tennessee for the weekend (as one does) in early December but more of that later in photo form.

November and December is Birthday cake season and so a 'horse shoe' and a  'Lego' cake have been produced for the lovely Waen Niece and Nephew.. but the best craft of the month award goes sadly not to the cakes or the lovely Dress I made for my sister,. instead it goes to Mr Waen who has long hated the kitchen table (I loved it) and so crafted a Kitchen cabinet.. From scratch .. all on his own and in the process solved the problem of the massive kitchen having no storage and his intense dislike of the perfectly lovely table.

Apart from that its been the Christmas hamper production line (28 this year), a lovely Christening up North (another member of the Rose family - brilliant, a speeding ticket (on way to christening) a  bout each of a nastly cold (started by Mr W) and general gardening (the misery that is the lake rake) which has kept us suitably occupied here on the Welsh hillside its not a bad life :-)
made a little birthday pressie for a lovely Leeds chum.. out of old sacks that have been waiting for a use.. she is  Scottish so how could I not?

Fruit tarts.. all hand made.. even the pastry.. I am so WI

A Horse shoe cake.. hard to jazz that one up :-)

Front of sisters frock.. My frock making is getting better 

and the back  :-)

This is the car we drove around Nashville in.. Mr W... Not pleased .. in amongst all the monster truck we rocked it in this buttermilk coloured baby 

Bass pro.. where xmas decorations are sold next to shot guns and handguns.. only in the US of A!

Its Love.. Grandad is in love  :-)

WAAYYYY out of my comfort zone.. but we all like a Cwtch 

Mr  Waen and middle son.. Drat. wish we had the other 2 here would have been the perfect Harris xmas card . taken at the Loveless cafe (google it) Mr W's fave Nashville eatery 

The Lego cake.... Go Auntie Waen!!!

I am doing the cabinet no justice as it is covered in pressies.. but this is the top (well a tenth of it) 

and this is the front.. check out that Storage situation 

WHAT? I think not chicken licken.. real sized eggs please!!!!!

a trifle.. made from scratch.,, even the sponge..

Lemon meringue pie anyone?