Saturday 30 August 2014

August was busy ..

So in August we had the Waen Welly Wedding.. and I can truly say it was the absolute best day of my life.. after much crafting of bunting and lighting things the building of a stage, ordering of copious amounts of booze and food various mishaps with bands pulling out and the minibus cancelling last minute and everything in between all the worry, stress and organisation the day came.. the rain did not and we had a truly amazing day.. mire can be seen here, photos in the gallery.

After that was a big clean up though we had very well behaved guests and seemingly some clearing up fairies and then we popped off on our mini moon  -  we were booked to go to St Petersburg but with our flight going into Kiev and then over the Ukraine.. Mrs Waen.. Not keen so as we have bigger plans for next year we decided to just set off on a little road trip of posh hotels. It was a good few days ..but not without it's mishaps;

We started with St Davids.. the UK's smallest city where we pottered found the town and visited the cathedral which only has 3 clocks because the people in the north of the city could not afford the clock on the north face (typical of the north/ south divide)

 And the hotel was the Warpool court which is a hotel of distinction.. and has various other accolades.. including Britain's finest.. and indeed a nice little spot.. until you hit the bedrooms which were last decorated in 1971 it appears.. vintage but not in a trendy cool way..non the less amazing views

Nice from the outside 

Check out those vile headboards.. where is Alex Polizzi? 
but the view fro the room made up for it... Breathtaking 

the garden 

 Anyway it was a nice stay.. and we had a lovely dinner in St Davids.. and then up and of the next day to the Pembroke county show.. I love these things but you never get time to go to them really so this was ideal..

Horse things going on 

The Dog show.. this was Freddie  .. my fave 

Judge coming Freddie 

Lots of cows.. these were swiss and very cute 

these were a bit scary
So all in all a good show.. was nice just to potter around in the sunshine.. Mr Waen decided he needed a tractor.. that was a no! But the automatic milking machine was very impressive.. sadly no use for that either :-) 
So we hit the road.. 
But not for long.. 
The car broke down and our ride to Bristol was then done in a tow truck.. stylish :-)

Car stopped.. oh dear.. 

poor poorly thing
 But when we landed to this lovely place having dumped the car at the nearest 'specialist' garage..

The comfy world of our favourite  Hotel 'Hotel Du Vin'

lovely bath 

amazing walk in shower

to late for dinner (towing takes ages.. Room service :-)

and some wine of course.. its Hotel Du vin.. thus its like the law. 
 So the car was captive at the garage so off we went to be tourists for the day..
Job 1 -   The banksy hunt
This one is on the street and been sadly vandalised but the  council are looking to restore it 

and this one in the museam  -  'Mobile Lovers'

a bBnksy sculpture.. 
anyway without a car it became a pain to find others so off to the Clifton suspension bridge.. clever..

 and then to the zoo..

The next on the list was a trip to the SS Great Britain.. but we stopped for a bit of food only to come across one of Mr Waen's heros in the pub.. not looking quite himself but ace.. Gromitberry!!!!!

 and then to the SS gteat Britain.. fabulous.. expected to be bored out of tiny mind.. had a ball  :-)
 and then a water taxi back to the hotel..
 The next morning dawned and we checked out and pottered for a little wander until the car was ready.. got  a phone call.. car not ready until tomorrow and so popped back to re check in and then pottered off again.. saw this kool little sign.. Waen is not our real name  :-)

And then we followed these little pawprints to the Wallace and Gromit exhibition.. 

 where we found loads of the sets.. LOVED IT..
Tottington hall

More Tottington Hall 

The Smug fridge (love it)

The were rabbit allotment

Loved it then off for lunch by the river.. where we saw ANOTHER GROMIT!!!

Then we finally got the car back,, flew home to pick up the wedding bunting (its in demand you know) and off we went to the Teddy Bears Picnic in Cholmendeley Castle.. it's a charity gig put on each year by Mr W's Bestest chums.. and its ace.. we were manning a stall!

Bunting and bears.. 


and best of all.. we were allocated the perfect stall for us.. the PIMMS stall.. we tried our best there was a few Laural and Hardy moments but we did it .. and our bears enjoyed a Pimms  :-)

The Pimms stall 
All in all a fun week.. now back to reality :-(
