Friday 31 January 2014

Mud .. rain.. mud.. and other things

Well its raining.. its been raining for a million days now.. it varies between torrential with hale and / or snow involved and spitting .. days in the garden so far this year = 6.. not good got bizzillions of tasks to do.

Anyway have used the time wisely. We have finally sorted out the Welsh dresser we bought last year, its been sanded and waxed and now is all one colour (always nice). have done loads of work at Kerry Farm.. we have been allocating the lucky applicants who were awarded a holiday to their holidays and letting those who sadly were not how to approach other similar organisations, and have been doing a bit more than usual fro Multiple Choice.

Apart from that wedding planning is in full flow and that all takes up some time so all in all whilst I can't do what I want to do I am still a busy bear  :-)

Would REALLY like the rain to stop though.. bored of it now!

Freddie is constantly unclean

Winnie has dreadlocks that Bob Marley would be proud of

we made good use of the deluge and sanded and waxed the dresser.. it has been on the to do list for 8 months

Much smarter

Archie is SOOOO sick of rain he has taken to lying in a bowl whilst I make bunting

My sister and the kids bought me a fab hedgehog house for xmas.. found the  perfect spot and filled it with hay .

 Not sure if you will remember but one of my 40th birthday parcels was 25 kilo's of daffodils.. they arrived.. there are bizzillions of them.. what fun.. there are 2 rubbish patches in the woodland to clear and these lovely babies will be the spring pop up in these patches.. followed by wild-flowers for summer :-) THANK YOU  H my lovely chum xxx

3ft by 1ft box of daff's .. very welsh 

Monday 13 January 2014

Christmas followed by a house full of muddy puppies..

Lazy me .. yet again.. everything stopped for Christmas  and what a lovely Christmas it was.. I was as ever spoilt.

For Christmas dinner, which was a lovely little affair of Mr W, Mr W's smallest boy and myself (along with various creatures), I completely defied my country side living and bought all of the X,as dinner from good old Marks and Sparks  (except for the locally sourced free range turkey and a Christmas Pudding we picked up at a food festival in August) so unlike my country wife companions I spent less that 45 mins making dinner :-) but it was lovely and we all enjoyed.

Between Christmas and new year we had guests and then also popped about visiting and then New Year was spend with lovely chums near Hay -On -Wye. Nice.

All in all a lovely event.

Since Christmas I have spent most of my time time washing dogs, cleaning the mud off floors and generally trying to keep the mud on the outside of the house.. I am failing in the mission but not through lack of trying. Then it was a busy first week back at work (both jobs) and at last its all back to normal and time to potter around the garden has come back to me.

Of course we mustn't forget the plans for the wedding day which are tootling along nicely.. I am not going to share much until after the day in case guests read.. but it's going to be here in our little piece of paradise (unless it is truly appalling weather in which case we have a back up) and the theme is 'Wellies'.

Garden decorations are my current thing so I am making bunting like some sort if Primark sewing factory.. I can now make 2.5 meters of bunting in 15 minutes  -  and that's double sided, hemmed bunting don't you know..

The Christmas hampers seem to have gone down well.. the elderflower wine has had mixed reaction (it was very sweet but also very potent) my Rhubarb and Lime Jam has been declared a success, the bramble wine seems to have worked and Rhubarb vodka is 'delish' all in all quite pleased with that. Better start next years efforts now :-)

Any way to anyone who reads this.. if anyone does .. I just wanted to say HAPPY NEW YEAR .. and wishing all of you a peaceful, happy and healthy one.

So this was the lounge after gift opening  -  told you I was spoilt  :-)  -  not all mine though 

freddie in his Christmas ankle warmers. 

Winnie chewing her ankle warmers off

Clearly he learnt from the boss.. 

check out my snazzy new pans :-)

In the event where they are too dirty to bath its off to the lake.. 




Not pleased!

Got me a bread maker  -  told you I was spoilt  -  Yum!