Tuesday 19 November 2013

Lazy blogger that I am ...

Well I have been a busy bear and lots of things have been going on so I have been a rubbish blogger .. so a quick catch up on news..

Freddie is insane, toilet training has much improved (thank God) he has stopped chasing chickens but likes to still chase ducks .. hmm.. he has found a love a wool which is a pain in the neck when trying to knit.. he either runs off with said wool or barks at it if it moves.. strange fish.
My God son, friend and I took him on a long walk into the village when we returned he was one pooped puppy.. CUTE!

The garden is starting to get cleared for winter which is a cold process but fun.. was especially cold this morning with our little dusting of snow but slowly I am making progress. The giant Rhubarb around the lake has started to come down..but I need to wait for Mr Waen to come home to finish off because its a bit slippery and I don't fancy a swim in this weather.. Brrrr.

Apart from that I have been up north as my lovely dad was run over and has some nasty injuries.. he is getting on okay now but a bit of worrying going on.. and the 40th birthdays continue and so we have had a trip to York with the lovely H.. I made a little cake for her  :-) I made one for my lovely niece too as she hit the giddy age of 12.. (where did those 12 years go?)
We also caught up with Mr Waen's little son as its his birthday too.. the last in the birthday list was my Mam so we all went for a nice  Sunday lunch.. including hop along dad.
Indeed, it's candles and pressies all the way this month.
My bestest pressie purchase was for my Boss and lovely friend up in Leeds.. who is fabulous scottish las.. so I bought her a gift bag and filled it with all things Welsh .. though I missed out the leek and daff's .. all Celts together  :-)

In Village news i have been voted in as the WI secretary as our current one stands down this year  which is fun and have been for a meeting with the lady that produces our fabulous village magazine and I am going to be trained in the editing of that so that it shares out the workload a bit..

I started my job on Monday which is good too so all in all I may be a lazy blogger but I am beavering away as ever..

The Birthday bun.. Chocolate.. with some chocolate, chocolate an a bit of chocolate. 

Freddie and his wool obsession.

Freddie also likes to chase Archie.. this is the hiding bowl!

More wool on the silly puppy.. this time wrapped 2 times around his neck.. 

after a 4 mile walk.. sleepy!
our lil bit o snow